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360 buying advice wanted

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    360 buying advice wanted

    Basically, I finally come into enough cash for a 360 on the 7th of Jan. Yay!
    Now, will there be any premiums available around then? Or will I be in for a bit of a wait?

    I'm really not interested in getting a core. The price difference is way too much, seeing as I want to run a wireless setup, HDTV and want the shiny disk tray

    Should I be able to get one, or abandon the idea now and get some other things i've been after instead?

    Well you can get Premium's now if you catch Game when they have them in. Some people who work there post on the 360 pre-orders thread when their branch is expecting stock so I'd keep a watch there.


      Aaah excellent. I will have a look at that, though I doubt anyone who works here in Reading posts here!

