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Progressive Scan VGA box - Xbox 360

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    Progressive Scan VGA box - Xbox 360

    Hi, i couldn't be bothered to find a VGA cable from MS, so i ordered this

    I don't know a lot about these things so bare with me
    Firstly, my monitor's native resolution is 1280 x 1024.
    I want 720p (which is 1280 x 768 right?)
    Well on my monitor i tried putting the settings on that and also on 1280 x 720 but it says input not supported.
    Will i be able to play in HD with my monitor? 1024 x 768 is supported

    Secondly, the audio "Y" cable it comes with. Do you put the cables connecting from the speakers to the PC into it and connect it into the VGA box?
    Or do you put the component cables into it and connect it to the speakers?
    On my sub-woofer it will only take two ports (named the rear and front ports and they are black and green)
    I was confused so i tried to see if the red and white cables on the component cable would fit in their.
    It did and made a click noise, and seemed like it was appropiate to, but i am not sure how i will get sound!

    I need help, thanks in advance!

    Also one last thing. My montitor is 4:3, when i put the games in HD will the picture be affected in anyway, if it is can i fix it?

    Oh poopy i realised that this is in the wrong section.


      The device is called a transcoder, it converts a progressive component video signal into a VGA/RGBHV compatible signal. With the component cable plugged into the 360, you will not have an option to choose 1280 x 1024 resolution. You will have to choose 720p (1280 x 720) or 1080i (1920 x 1080i). If your monitor cannot display either of those then you not be able to use this solution.

      You will want to select 'letterbox' for you video option (unless you prefer 4:3), but it comes down to individual games as to whether or not letterboxing is supported (PGR3 has no letterbox mode).


        So basically.. I am screwed?


          Is your current testing on the VGA input? are you testing at 60Hz?


            Ermm... I don't know what that means


              You are currently using a PC to try and send 1280 x 720 to the monitor right? What connection type from your graphic card to the monitor are you using? VGA or DVI?

              I don't know whether you have refresh rate control with LCDs? but go to the 'advanced' section of the properties window and choose the 'Monitor' tab and check that the refresh rate is set to 60 Hertz.


                Yes the refresh rate is 60 hertz.
                I don't know about the VGA and DVI though.
                I am not familiar with DVI :P
                But from my Monitor to the PC it is using VGA... i think...


                  Well if you can't get 1280 x 720 @ 60Hz via the VGA input, you're screwed. Buy or build yourself a VGA cable.



                    DVI on the left, VGA on the right.


                      I should of done some research...
                      I guess i should get rid of it when it comes, or tell Lik-sang that it is defective...
                      Thanks anyway


                        Will it atleast support 480p?
                        I will try to get a new monitor. But i doubt i can
                        What should i do? Tell Lik-Sang that mine doesn't work and just return it or keep it?


                          I'm sure you could recoup the cost if you sold it locally. Transcoders are hard to come-by in PAL regions and they offer 1080i which the VGA cable cannot deliver.

                          If you decide to get another monitor, then consider a CRT, which in the event of a game like PGR3 not supporting letterboxing, you can manually squeeze down the vertical height back to its correct proportions whilst at the sametime retaining all of the available resolution (letterboxing uses some of the available resolution to draw the black bars). If looking at LCD's then consider one that can do 1:1 mapping which can display 1280 x 720 without scaling it to the native res.


                            I am asking around for a spare monitor (Yes i am that desperate :P)
                            I do not wish to spend much more money for the 360 so i doubt i will buy another one, i would might as well spend a little bit extra and get a small HDTV.

                            VGA box's don't seem to be going for much on ebay, know any other places where i could sell it?


                              don't compare it to the other VGA boxes out there that do basic composite conversion, this is a transcoder and is the only true 'High Def' solution, which sets it apart from the rest. It should only really be compared to itself and the VD-Z3 from Vdigi.


