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Getting Progressive Scan VGA box to work

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    Getting Progressive Scan VGA box to work

    Ok, now that i know my monitor won't support 720p (see my other thread) but i know it does support 480p but i can't get the bloody thing to work!

    I have tried changing the dips, i have put the settings on the 360 to 480p, i have put the component cable to HDTV, i have tried everything!

    I have also changed the resolution of the monitor on the PC before i tried to boot the 360.

    Is mine a defect or what?

    I reckon you should ditch this plan to be honest, as your crippling yourself to 480p. You'll be able to play in essentially-HD 1280x1024 on your screen with the VGA cable, and is a much more sensible route that what your doing tbh.


      Yes, i will try to get the cable later on when i can find it but i do want to try and play in 480p now and i will keep the box for other devices or maybe sell it. But first i want to know if i have a defect or how to make it work.


        It gets very hot... is that a problem?
        Last edited by stormbreak; 26-12-2005, 22:17.


          Please i need help!!!


            Replace the monitor ?


              Best bet would be to (ideally) borrow/ buy a 360 vga lead and see if that works - a lot cheaper than buying a new monitor.
              Last edited by tom-nook; 27-12-2005, 10:41.


                Yeah but i know now that i monitor does support 480p but the bloody thing willl not work. I don't think it is the monitor.

