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Xbox 360 Ring of Light Gone

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    Xbox 360 Ring of Light Gone

    Been using the console all day, turned it off and packed it up to take to Nans house, it worked fine. However after a while I noticed that the ring of light was red so I turned the console off, moved it to a more venatlated area with the power supply and turned it back on. This resulted in no ring of light, the controllers work but the console shows nothing, I mean it's not THAT big of a deal as it still works but I still want to know if anyone knows how I can fix this, cheers.

    Is everything plugged in right?

    Maybe you knocked the LEDS?


      I've tried unplugging and replugging everything in plenty of times and I treat it like my first child so it's not like I've given it any knocks. At the moment I'm just hoping that leaving it all unplugged for a bit will sort it.

      I also can't turn on the console with just the controller either since this has happened
      Last edited by Myth; 25-12-2005, 18:11.


        Just turned it on and the ring of light seems to be acting strange, sometimes it comes on when I turn the console on and if it does, it'll stay on even if I've turned the console off.

        Grrr modern techonology never works.

        My controller also isn't working with it now I think I'm gonna cry
        Last edited by Myth; 25-12-2005, 18:20.


          Mine sometimes plays up, but never turning off. I find putting it flat then standing it back up fixes it, probably something to do with the ball-bearing that apparently adjusts the light according to the consoles position. Probably not the same thing you're having, but worth trying.


            is the face plate clicked on all the way. mine kept giving me red lights because it wasnt on all the way.


              Just tried removing and putting the face plate on twice and nothing. However I put the console in verticle and the light flashed on then went again but it hasnt happened again so I dunno whats going on.


                ^ What Chain said - could be the mercury switch which determine orientation.

                Is the machine actually working ? If so, worry about it later


                  Yeah it turns on and if I fiddle I can get the wireless controllers to work so I guess it's fine for now, I'll just get a replacement when everywhere has them in stock.

