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360 and Sony V40 Component Hell!!

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    360 and Sony V40 Component Hell!!

    I am having problems connecting the above and in my drunken Xmas state cannot seem to work out what to do so please help!.
    I have a QED PCV-1 lead coming out of the component slot on my V40 and into a BT947 Component Switcher which should be capable of 720p
    I also have a Sony DAV-X1 plugged into the switcher using another QED PCV-1 and a Gamecube plugged in also.
    The DAV-X1 displays 576p and looks fantastic.
    When I try and select 720p on my 720p the screen goes blank and then resets to 480p.
    The component lead is selected for hdtv and I am now at a loss.
    Any help/advice would be much appreciated.
    Having taken so much time and money on this set up I want it to display the best possible picture even though the 480p looks great.

    Well, the first thing to do is check that 720p is working when it's connected directly to the television, to make sure that it'll accept 720p from your 360. (which it should)

    Next, I would try disconnecting everything else from the switch, and just try the X360 through it and see if that works. If not, then it looks like the switch doesn't support 720p, or is weakening the signal enough for the TV to not like it.

    If it works, keep adding things until you find what is causing the problem. You might want to get one of those cheapo "farmer" switch boxes for your 480i/p equipment, as you're not likely to get much/and quality loss there. (I wouldn't use one with 720p though)


      Cheers for that, I will give it a go and see what happens.
      The tv should support 720p no problem and so should the switcher but like you say it may just all be too much for it I didn't realise you could lose quality by using a switcher.


        Ok tried that.

        Plugged just the 360 into the switcher and still the same.
        Plugged the 360 into the TV and still the same.
        I am beginning to think that the V40 doesn't support 720p through component the max probably being 576P.
        If anyone knows anything different please feel free to shed some light on the matter.


          it should do as the screen res for that tv should be 1366X768 so should easily do 720p

          heres the specs if this is the tv you have

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          could be a faulty lead, does the tv have vga input as try that ?


            It doesn't have vga that's why I had to buy a switcher, I will have to see a mate and borrow his lead.

            If this is still the same do you think it's likely to be the tv or the 360? and how the hell do I find out which one it is causing the fault..


              get a mate who has a 360 to bring his around to try that on your tv and maybe try yours on his tv

              try your lead on mates 360 and theres on yours etc and you'll find out which is the problem


                Forget 720p m8,

                I have the 32" Sony Bravia "s" series and 1080i looks better IMO. Crisper, more vibrant colours, no ghosting etc etc

                Try it and see.


                  It does the same on 1080i as well

                  I have got an engineer coming today from Hughes to look at the TV I think the problem lies with that.
                  Total nightmare.


                    The 360 is fine!!

                    TV however is shagged.

                    ?2400 for a TV and it lasts 1 month....Perfect.


                      You'll get a replacement though yeah? All electrical goods carrying a two year warranty and all that?


                        Yeah , under warranty but there is a waiting list.

                        They (Hughes) cannot even give me an expected date.
                        Phoned Sony to complain a bit, they said they would contact Hughes for me and sort it out but haven't heard anything as yet.

