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5.1 or 7.1 surround speakers. Which to go for?

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    5.1 or 7.1 surround speakers. Which to go for?

    I've heard great things about both of these two sets but I can't decide which to go for: - creative gigaworks S750 7.1 THX

    OR - Logitech's Z5500 5.1 THX system.

    The creative one costs the most by a fair bit and I would need to buy myself a decoder for it seperately whereas the Z5500 has one built in so thats another ?80 ontop for the creative set, but would 7.1 be of more benefit in the long term or would there be no noticeable difference? Whichever set I bought would also be used alongside my 360.

    Advice/input appreciated

    Anyone at all? My instinct tells me the Logitech set would be the best to go for, but I don't want to find out that in a year's time all the newest software is going to be designed with 7.1 in mind.


      i suspect that you wouldn't really notice the difference that much unless you had a a perfectly rectangular room with the speakers all mounted in the correct places.

      of course, you may have such a room


        The difference between 5.1 and 7.1 you mean? Atm I've got a 4.1 surround setup but the speakers are about 4 years old I think and need to go as they've started to hiss and pop somewhat more so than normal.


          Have you got any games that support 7.1? If not, 5.1 should be ample, but if you do, then you might as well make use of it if you have the space and the layout to do it in.

