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xbox 360 wireless pad help

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    xbox 360 wireless pad help

    just got another wireless pad, threw all the instructions and that away as i thought it would just be press the buttons and play, how wrong i was....

    how do you set this bitch up

    Iirc you have to press the little transmit buttons on the pad and the front of the machine,so they find each other.


      Originally posted by Nick Pavey
      Iirc you have to press the little transmit buttons on the pad and the front of the machine,so they find each other.
      Done nice one mate.


        Soooo funny. I done the exact same thing!! I totally forgot how to do it, spent bloody ages working it out. Hours went by with me being totally clueless and I too threw the leaflets out so just found out by sheer chance. The controller was sitting on my unit and I was just looking at it and seen the button on top and it clicked!!

        Dont know how I forgot since I had only done it 3 weeks previously when I first got the 360!

