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panasonic q rgb cables...

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    It was one of the bookmark nodes that reguarly screams out to me for a click-me-do!

    Another useful page for the vga mod...


      Aw, chucks, it didn't work...

      I disconnected the main ground connection and changed the yellow video ground from pin 17 to 18, but it had the same effect as before... (so I guess the placing of yellow ground is irrelevant)

      Also I tried with AND without the 12v to pin 8 (I've picked it up somewhere that some Philips screens don't work with that cable connected, something to do with 4:3/16:9 issues)

      Mayyybe one of the resistors has blown?
      Also, about the resistor going from pin 8 to 16, I've been told it doesn't matter what side of the resistor goes to what side of the pins... Is this correct?

      I stil get a black screen with sound, so it switches to AV, when I connect my cable to the RGB scart input.

      Last edited by Shinebi; 28-08-2006, 09:39.


        OK, I hope I know what the problem is: the resistor in the scart has the wrong value?
        In the guide at mmmonkey it's stated to use a 75 Ohm resistor, but after reading a few posts I presume to only use this value if you DON'T have a Q and recieve 5v from the regular Gamecube.
        Thus, I should use a value of +/- 370 Ohm in the scart piece...
        (I also have a Philips tube...)
        Going to fix it this week and keep you guys posted.


          It woooooorks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Went to a not so local electronics shop, bought a 390 Ohm resistor (it was the only one they had).
          Fixed the cable today during my lunch break, rushed home, now it works flawless.
          And for confirmation: YES, it also works in color with PAL 50 Hz games (for the ones who might still wonder as I did).

          Mission accomplished.


            All the guides are wrong.

            For some picky TVs to be in the correct voltage range for RGB switching, the resistor should be about 375 Ohm, which means 360 or 390 in real terms.

            This applies to any Cube, not just the Q. Explanation:


              Yeah, I know, I found your explanation of it trying to figure it out using the search engine...

              (btw my cable has only cost me ? 20,00 )

              So how come no-one has ever made a REAL guide of it?
              Thinking about making one myself, as I'm already making a lot of them for DC to put on this forum
              Today I took a lot of pictures already, so in a couple of weeks the job will be done, I hope.

              Cheers to all of you who helped


       used to be a really good guide. Probably works with 98% of TVs, it is only fussy ones that object.

                The guy who used to run is (was?) groundy on this forum, and I contacted him about the fix. He was going to add it at one point, but I guess the name expired instead.

