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its my party and i'll cry if i want to! [nearly there!!]

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    its my party and i'll cry if i want to! [nearly there!!]

    its me birthday today and i'm having problems with my pressies..

    well more specifically trying to get my PSP and my DS to connect to my pressies.. presents being I now have a wireless network at home, i've set it all up last night and both my PSP and DS can see access point, its I just cannot connect them.

    i've entered the SSID and WEP key and left everything else to pick the IP etc automatically, but just cannot connect.. ft:

    please someone help me.. i only got wireless so I could get my little gems online and MarioKart is just begging to hammered online!

    TIA Chojin not 20 something anymore
    Last edited by chojin; 06-01-2006, 14:36.

    What happens with the psp? Ill try and help you with that as mine connects flawlessly through my WEP'd network,whereas i have given up with the DS.

    Although it sounds like you are doing everything right. What does the PSP say when not connecting?


      Check your router doesn't have MAC address blocking or IP range blocking. Open up your router until you can get a connection then start closing off the loophole rather than starting with a secure network.


        I struggled like crazy with linking my DS to my Linksys router, until I discovered that it plays much more happily if you only use a 64-bit key and not the higher level (128-bit?)

        The biggie to watch out for, if you're having problems with both, is that both the PSP and DS are 802.11b not g; make sure you haven't set up (as the manuals sometimes recommend) for g only.


          Yeah, as above, mixed b+g mode for a start. The DS can be flaky with DHCP (auto configure), so it may be necessary to manually set up. Pick an IP in your range, if it asks for the gateway point it at your router etc.

          The main (and biggest sticking point so far in each case I've solved) is this DHCP issue. When it asks you to enter the DNS server IPs, DO NOT put in your router/gateway's IP address (as you might do with a PC connection). Instead put in your ISP's DNS IP addresses, if you're unsure you can look them up at your ISP's website or on your router's connection status page.


            i'm not gonna get chance to have a go at it until tomorrow as i'll be out celebrating tonight.. but just to let you know, i've got 128 WEP key on the go and Mac address filtering, but i've added the PSP and DS Mac address to the filter list.. i've got mixed b+g mode running... everything else on the PSP and DS is set to auto [which i think is obviously the stickler]

            the DS gives a 5200? error code
            the psp gives a 0800??? error code

            this is when I test connection..

            sorry for being lazy but i thought it'd be quicker asking you guys as I bought my router on reading threads on here.. and who knows better than NTSC-UK!

            oh and maybe I should have mentioned, i'm on a Mac running OSX 10.4.3.

            i'll have another go and post back my results, thanks people
            Last edited by chojin; 05-01-2006, 14:36.


              right i'm nearly there with the DS, i'm getting this error code:


              "connected to access point but unable to connect to the server. Confirm connection settings and internet availability."

              i've disabled Mac address filtering on my router now, its just got WEP encryption, but the DS is handling that ok..

              so what next?


                Put your WEP key into the DS?


                  already done that and its reading it fine..


                    Happy b/day for yesterday.

                    Thats as far as i got,and then one day it connected,i played for about an hour,then same again,that bastard message.

                    Not tried it since,but think its more of a problem 'thier' end tbh.


                      cheers Nick.. i'm gonna have a go at the PSP now as I know what IP, Subnet and all that malarkey to put in..

                      only way I can have some Mario Kart action is to disable all security, which I did this morning.. but obviously i want it all secure..


                        anyone got any further help for me? as i'm still not online unless i relinquish all security measures for my wireless router

