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New Motherboard & CPU

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    New Motherboard & CPU

    Can anyone reccomend a decent m'board & CPU - I've been using this crappy pentium 3 for ages & it's driving me nuts.

    I don't want a mega top of the range & since it's been about 10 years since I've put together a computer I'm a bit rusty with the latest technology etc.

    However having said that at some stage I'll want to use it as a kind of HTPC - stream video music etc to an xbox 360 whenever I get one. I will be also getting a nex gfx card at some point so it will have to be able to cope with this.

    Any suggestions would be muchly appreciated.


    Go AMD. Get an nForce 4 mother board (supports socket 939) and you'll be future proof if you wanna upgrade the CPU in the future or add a meaty graphics card.

    Intel are lagging behind at the moment, in my opinion. The AMD 64bit chips are much faster.


      depending on yer cash i would be tempted to get a PCI-E board just now and a bog standard PCI-E to keep you going

      Theres no point upgrading your mobo to one thats still agp as PCI-E is the future and will future proof your system, especially if your board supports SLI

