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Aspect ration question

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    Aspect ration question

    I just bought a VGA cable for my XBOX360 so I can run it at high res on my standard iiyama PC monitor. The monitor is a normal 4:3 aspect ratio, and says it can display upto 1920x1440.

    My question is, what aspect ratio is best for playing XBOX360 games in for my monitor? There is a whole host of options in the XBOX dash, but I come away a little confused. For instance, I select 1024x768, then play Perfect Dark and it has big borders top and bottom like Widescreen where as I thought it would be full screen.

    So regardless of weather its widescreen or not, what would you suggest the ideal viewing setting is for me?


    Some games (presumably Perfect Dark is one) aren't written to display in 4x3 fullscreen, so the game is having to add borders for you. Do you get fullscreen 4x3 in some other titles?

