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new motherboard advice which could solve memory probem (WoW/iTunes related)

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    new motherboard advice which could solve memory probem (WoW/iTunes related)

    Hey guys im havin a bit o trouble with my comp and im not sure if its down to the motherboard or not. I currently have is an ASUS P4SD-LA Motherboard with a p4 2.8hz and 512mb of ram (HP T450.UK desktop). I purchased an extra 512mb of memory (infineon) and all seemed fine..till I tried loadin WoW which as some of u know is quite a memory heavy game and not long after loading up my machine just reboots as if someone has unplugged the power! I ran the windows memory test and left it runnin for a few hours and after many many checks the memory didnt seem to have any errors. Also I tried to see how it would do with other apps so i left my machine on for a few days, bittorrent, msn messenger, photoshop and adobe premier all worked fine and the machine didnt hiccup at all...soon as i put on WoW it crashed again . Strange how when playing that one game my machine goes tits up and i noticed it done it a couple times on itunes too (another memory heavy app). I replaced the measily 250w power supply that came with the machine with a 450w and that didnt help if the memory checks out fine could it be the motherboard?

    If so I need to find a new one, something thats gonna support my processor, memory and agp gfx card so hopefully nutin too pricey!

    another question i have is when u replace the motherboard is a windows re install required or is it no different to adding memory or changing a gfx card?

    Also ive taken the strip out so im back on 512 and the comp is like it used to be wit no probs, I also tried just havin the new strip in the comp and that too works fine it just dont seem to like the 1 gig business...hmmm

    Answers on a postcard!

    Have you tried checking the mobo manual?

    With some motherboards you are required to run memory modules in specific slots. On mine for example I can only run 2x512's in slots 1 and 3 on the board, with slots 2 and 4 remaining empty.

    Are the slots colour coded at all? This usually gives an indication as to whether you need to insert in a certain combination.


      unfortunatly hp dont give out motherboard manuals and theres only 2 places where the memory can go and the 512 that came wit the machine is occupying one of those slots...would it be worth tryin swapping them around?


        I take it the 512 you bought was the same speed and frequency as the stuff you had in it to start with?


          it is i just took out the module already installed the make of the memory is hynix...should i chuck it and buy memory of the same make?
          Last edited by Pjam2003; 16-01-2006, 22:45.


            Its not the make, there are all sorts of speeds and stuff to consider.

            download this


            from here

            then run the performance tune up wizard and it should tell you all the information about your current RAM

