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Portable 5.1 Decoder/Dolby Headphones

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    Portable 5.1 Decoder/Dolby Headphones

    These seem to have been available for a while and I was wondering if anyone here has experience with them?
    I`ve ordered a set from here for ?79 +?3 p&p which seems to be a very good price. Hopefully arriving in a day or two.
    IGN have a review of them and they seem to reckon the sound quality and surround placement is pretty good. You can plug in any set of headphones(or 2) so a good quality set should help quite a bit too.

    Info on Dolby Headphone technology
    There doesn`t seem to be much info or reviews on the web, most feedback seems to be positive but I`d rather hear from someone here.
    Last edited by Space Monkey; 01-02-2006, 18:33.

    dunno what they are like but I bought some of these:

    from here:

    which are pretty similar, I've binned the headphones that came with and am using my grado one's. Sounds very good, much more surround than normal headphones, and prefect when, like me, you have a girlfriend who insists on going to bed at half nine every night...
    Last edited by watusi; 19-01-2006, 22:59.


      I bought a pair of these after you posted the link, ?35 bargain.

      I've been using them with my 360 and I'm pretty impressed as to how much surround effect they provide, I actually turned around because I thought someone was behind me when I played PDZ.

      perhaps a little bassy for my likings, but I'm used to using smaller headset than this, and they provide a fuller sound.
      Reccommended indeed


        I agree, I'm very impressed by them too. Definitely improved by changing the headphones too.


          I`ve been using mine for a week or so now and they are pretty good too. I had the same problem as watusi in that I can hardly ever get the Dolby amp turned up without the complaints so the headphones are the next best thing. Not as good as the amp but a lot better than stereo phones, the sounds really do seem to be coming from outside (in the room) rather than inside your head as with stereo. The audio feels much more natural and less tiring. I`ve recommended the set that you two have for a friend so if he gets them I`ll be able to compare them but for ?35 you can`t go wrong.

          e- Meant to say I`ve been playing multiplayer Halo2 on my 360 and the sounds are amazing, I`m hearing stuff that I never noticed before even on the amp
          Last edited by Space Monkey; 01-02-2006, 18:31.


            I ran the little DVD surround audio test on the Halo 2 LE with the little grunt running around, it shows it off well.

            I'm baffled as to how it works though, as the Headphones are just normal headphones are they not?

            You would of thought if such a small decoder box could do that, you could program games to do the same thing for headphone users.

