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Which DS to go for?

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    Which DS to go for?

    Ok, I've recently decided that it was time for me to own a nintendo DS simply because I didn't have one - fair enough!

    Over the past week I've been watching the VG+ website and with particular interest - the limited edition red mario kart DS. With price conversion, it works out at about ?92 excluding shipping and I was dead set on it, until I came across HMV's latest offer:

    The silver MK pack and 1 additional game of my choice from whatever is in stock for ?110 (my student card takes it down to ?100). Price wise, this works out better value than the red pack but I've heard that its been a quite sought after item in these parts.

    My main concern was whether or not the red colouring would be a little tacky and if it would complement the screen or not, well that and the fact that if I went ahead and bought the one from HMV I would basically be getting a ?30 game free but stuck with the plain silver colour.

    Is there anyone who has the red pack who can comment on it - its advantages and possible disadvantages over the silver model? (yes I know the decals that come with it are ****e but they don't need applying) Is this really a limited edition in the sense that it won't be around forever unlike most "limited edition" stuff?

    Last edited by Daragon; 25-01-2006, 23:06.

    There is nothing in this world that it as tacky as silver plastic - either make it from actual metal or make it grey and bobbly like the original gameboy... just dont give me any more of this cheap nasty metalic plastic... arrrgh I hate it.

    From my experience the darker the colour the better the screen looks, so red should be better than silver.


      My missus has the blue one and ive got the mario red one and i prefer the red one loads more!

      It looks the business and the wee key fob you get with it is the nutz

      The only downside with the red one is the ****e stickers but you dont need to use them


        The thing with mail ordering is that if you get dead pixels you're stuck with them.

        I've got a blue UK DS. Its the third I had as the other 2 had dead pixels and after a bit of complaining each time they changed them in the shop.

        I would have the red one if it was available over here but theres a fairly high chance of a DP or 2 which you can do nothing about if you mail order. If this kind of thing bugs you be wary.


          There's a new one DS Lite.


            I might just go for the Silver pack - after thinking about it some more, the red one (to me) looks more like a toy (which I suppose the DS is but....) and there is always the worry of getting shipped one with a cluster of lit pixels that I possibly won't be able to do anything about. I could get Castlevania with the HMV bundle for free too before it gets discontinued.

            Thanks for the advice tho guys.


              Maybe you wnat one that looks more like a toy so u can use it safely outside without being mugged

              oh and yeah the DP issue is a viable one, i should have mentioned my red ds was bought by the wife when she was in the states last year and she had to take 2 back till she got one that was ok

