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New Windows Install & General PC stuff

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    New Windows Install & General PC stuff

    Stupid question but I honestly cant remember..

    If I install Window Media Center on my second hard drive which is used for storing all my music and videos right now, it wont overwrite all the files will it? Then when I pop my new 300Gb drive I'm ordering in, I can transfer it all over to the new one. Also, stuck between SATA and IDE, currently have two IDE but my friend is adamant I get a SATA this time, is there a big improvement really?

    Just want to be double sure about the install anyway before I **** it all up and lose everything!

    Also, in the process of an upgrade, going down the Amd route this time, thinking of getting the 3500+ Venice for ?140 and I'm unsure about a motherboard, would like one that has at least 5.1 onboard sound and coax connection would be useful too, AVG, with all the USB 2.0, Firewire ports onboard too.

    That seems perfect, dont really want to spend a lot on it, but that seems to do a good job with positive reviews on the site, or if anyone can point me in the direction of one for a better price or spec then I'll gladly accept.

    Personally I'd go for something like this:

    I had quite a few problems with a VIA chipset a few years ago, and I'm really suspect of VIA chipsets now. This could be misplaced, though.

    Plus, tbh, if you're getting an upgrade you might as well get PCI-Express. The AGP versions of GFX cards just don't exist for the latest generations, and are so expensive for the olders ones that there's just no point compromising.

    Hope this helps!


      Yeah, I'd like to go the PCI-E route but I spent ?140 on an AGP card last year and dont really want to upgrade that just yet, maybe I should wait a few months until I'm prepared to do it all at once.

