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Difference between NTSC-J and Asian PS2 games?

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    Difference between NTSC-J and Asian PS2 games?

    I want to get Siren 2 from Play-Asia and I know they sell different version of the game. I also noticed that the Asian version is a couple of quid cheaper and is released a few days earlier than the NTSC-J version. Does anyone know, in general, what the difference is between the two versions?


    Most asian/chinese versions have different box art, an English instruction slip, are cheaper and are (for some reason) less desirable than their NTSC-J counterparts.

    I think the game code is the same though.


      Some games are in Chinese but I think import sites will elaborate if this is the case. I do pay $5 extra for the Japanese version though. Also, for some reason, Asian versions are usually released two days before the Japanese, which I find a bit odd.


        In most cases, the Asian/Korean versions are the same as the Japan version apart from the boxart and maybe the manual.
        Sometimes, stuff is left out though, like online features and official HDD support.

        I do pay $5 extra for the Japanese version though.
        Me too. That initial ?2 saved is usually ?2 (or more) lost when you come to sell it on.


          I might be wrong but I remember reading somewhere that the reason why the asian/korean versions are released slightly before is because piracy is so rife in those area's it's the only way they'l get some decent sales in.

          Although i'm tired and might be thinking of something completely else


            also i've noticed asian games usually have little symbols for the manual and a cd for the game and say whether its in english/korean/ chinese on the back cover

            also asian games have "for home use only" on the back of the cover and japanese games have "for japan only"


              Some Asian games are n English too. I think PS2 RE4 and GT4 were?


                There's also an English NTSC-J Tekken 5


                  resident evil 4 was in english but gt4 had loads of versions for the asian market a chinese language and korean one and japanese


                    Originally posted by Kubrick
                    There's also an English NTSC-J Tekken 5
                    yep i got that on play asia for 5 quid was a good buy i thought

