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Abuse on Windows XP Pro

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    Abuse on Windows XP Pro

    This is a great game and I've been a fan of it for a few years now. If you haven't played it and you're a fan of 2D games in general, you probably should give it a bash.
    I used to run it in Windows 98 SE and had absolutely no problems with it.
    Trying to get it to run lately under XPPro and it won't have it. The main game shortcut runs a blank screen with sound and switches my monitor off even though the game's been set to run in 640x480. The strange thing is that the level editor, which is a different shortcut, displays perfectly fine.
    But I want to play the actual game!
    I've tried all the different compatibility modes in the shortcut menu and have tried forcing the application into 640x480 and all the other options available under compatibility but none have had any effect. I even redownloaded and installed the game but still got nothing and have searched for it in the registry which brings no obvious results.
    Dosbox also appears not to really like it very much and displays the same behaviour, not running the game but happily running the editor.
    Does anyone have any ideas how I can get it to run under XPPro?

    I've never gotten around to playing this properly but I've just stuck it on now you've reminded me.. Seems to be working fine for me on XP Pro, the sound's a bit crackly but that's to be expected obviously. Didn't have to do anything special - just installed it to the default folder, set up the sound and away it went.

    Some kind of conflict with your graphics drivers maybe? Clutching at straws there really.


      Interesting. I have a GeForce 5600FX with the latest Forceware drivers, so I'm sure it's not a driver problem, every other app and game works fine, even really old DOS stuff.


        Ah, looks like the version on here is actually a remake of some sort. Can't say how it compares to the original obviously seeing as I've barely played it. Could be worthwhile for you as a last resort though I guess.

        Hope you get it working anyway, there's nothing more annoying than trying to get some PC games to work.. The hours I must've spent one day trying to get Terminator: Future Shock to work properly and I still never bloody managed it.


          I have the Win32 version and it still appears not to work. Which sucks coz the game's ace. Better than most of the 3D PC dirge that my eyes have been subjected to.

