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Recommend me a Graphics Tablet

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    Recommend me a Graphics Tablet

    As the title really.

    I'm after a decent tablet to do some digital art stuff on my PC. It doesn't have to be all singing and all dancing as it needs to be relatively cheap (so no ?80 Wacom ones) but it needs to be decent enough for drawing to not to put me off using tablets.

    Can anyone suggest any?

    Thanks in advance

    ?80 is a decent cheap graphics tablet,
    Wacom do make some cheaper ones though


      I think anything "cheap" will be smaller than you'll find useful.

      I use a Wacom Graphire I got in the sales for about ?60 a year or two ago.

      Some bargains here:



        I too have a Wacom Graphire unit (a6 size). Sometimes i find it a little on the small size, but i look at the cost of the A4 units and feel better.

        Jessops sell them as well if you want to have a nose on the high street


          I too have a Graphire 2.

          It's the business. The mouse is especially good too. No batteries and no wires or optical bull****. Works using electrical interference. Genius!


            If you end up getting a cheap one (trust etc.) it'll probably put you off them for life!! I use an Intuos3 A5 & it's the business - although at ?200 it's a little bit more than you were willing to spend. Also, if you're serious about it, don't bother with the Graphire, Intuos is the way forward.


              Thanks for the suggestions.

              After looking into it, it does seem to be a masochistic choice to go for a ?30 Argos-special.

              I like the look of the Wacom Graphire one, which is more than I'd like to spend, but you obviously get what you pay for.


                I do hear that the other brands are complete crap. Wacom is the way to go. I have an Intuos 2 A4 which I got in Japan for half of the UK asking price. (A4 is a bit big imo) I have no reason why I am saying that apart from to feel smug. :/

