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Need info on some weights (games etc)

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    Need info on some weights (games etc)

    So I've had a shipping quote after the fact and it seems a little high to me - I'm wondering if Ive totally ballsed up my weight calculations. Here's basically what's up in the air right now along with the amount I reckon they weigh.

    Prices are based on play-asia cart weights, other technical sites and the almighty google.

    Mega CD game (i.e. your average CD game): 120g
    Game guide book (normal Japanese type, roughly A5): 350g
    Small DC keyboard (the semi-transparent type): 900g
    MVS cartridge: 480g
    Game Doctor SFIII: 1000g

    Totalled up the above gets us to about 2820g, pushing 3kg with padding.

    Can anyone see where I'd be missing a step. A step that would make someone want to charge in the 8-9kg bracket.

    You buying from a proper online store ? if so, tell 'em the facts.
    But guessing it's from someone on ebay ...


      Nah it's SMJ, who're usually not a problem with this (which is just as well - they invoice you after it's enroute).

      So I'm thinking a) I've lost myself somewhere here and I'm totally off-base b) they're sending me something that isnt for me..perhaps a cement mixer c) I'm right, they're wrong. In which case the emailing will begin.


        Not sure about the GDSF3 but I'm sure my Super Wildcard is heavier than 1kg. Still, it's not 5kgs. Weigh the box when you receive it, before you open it, then enquire why they've hit you with such a big postage charge.
        How much is the difference between 3kgs and 9kgs?
        Consider also: would you prefer to be charged for 3kgs postage but have to pay UPS ?50 customs tax?


          Yeah the GDSF3 is the one I'm in the dark on here but I can't see it being more than a console itself - so no more than 1.5kg.

          As for the difference in shipping cost, that'll be about ?43. The EMS carrier here is Chronopost and they're not bad - they only charge when customs decide to tax (ends up at 10eur + VAT on the value written on the box) and customs very rarely do so.

          We'll see though as it should be here tommorrow. In the meantime SMJ are just saying "that's how much it cost". I'm still none the wiser how it got that high though.


            Sure you didn't order extras for the copier, CD or HD interface or something? That would bump it up.


              Aye just arrived, there's a whole load of floppies with the copier which I err.. don't really need. Anyone want R@R3 Japanese floppies

