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Excel problem, auto-sizing fields

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    Excel problem, auto-sizing fields

    Hi guys,

    Got a problem with Excel (version 2000, 9.0.3821 SR-1).
    I have word wrap turned on.
    When I type into a cell, word wrap means that the cell will usually auto-size so that the cell expands downwards to fit all entered data on while leaving the column size the same, correct?
    Except I have a problem where auto-size will only run to 4 lines worth and the rest of the data is in the cell but isn't visible unless I manually resize the cell.
    Double clicking the bottom border of that row doesn't auto-size the row correctly. Even if I manually size the cell downwards too far i.e. 7 lines, put another character in to wake the cell up to the fact that it's meant to be bigger, press enter, then auto resize by double clicking the bottom of the row number again, it still resizes to 4 lines high.
    I don't want this, I want all data visible because when I print this sheet it only shows what's visible on the screen. Which is stupid. Obviously.
    I've looked through all the formatting options for any references to the number 4 but can't find any that are relevant and this problem isn't solely confined to this worksheet.
    Is it standard Excel behaviour to limit an auto-resized row to only 4 lines of data?
    Manually sizing each row isn't really a doable solution, I have numerous large spreadsheets where the problem occurs.

    Any ideas or solutions?

    Highlight the cell between A1 and 1 so it selects the whole sheet, then goto Row and Column under Tools and 'autofit selection' - is that any use?


      Don't want to do it to the entire sheet.
      But I did it on that one column and it still doesn't work right, it autofits lengthways, which I don't want.


        Not sure if Im getting you but I just copied and pasted a paragraph of text into Excel.

        before that i highlighted the whole spreadsheet, and selected Format/Cells/Word Wrap.

        once pasted in, it fitted all the text into the cell visibly, by stretching the vertical size of the cell

        Im on version 2002, so it could of changed, but is the above the sort of thing you are wanting to achieve?


          Yeh, it works on mine but only to a height of 4 rows of text within any one cell, then it refuses to display any further down even if I double click the bottom border of the row number on the left. If I manually expand it bigger then double click, it puts it back at 4 rows too. It's not practical for me to manually expand every row.


            Strange, its either a version thing, or a setting, Ill have a look and see if I can find anything.

