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Samurai Spirits Tenka + Gigawing Generations any good?

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    Samurai Spirits Tenka + Gigawing Generations any good?

    Samurai Spirits: Tenkaichi Kenkakuten ps2 anyone here got this?

    Gigawing generations is ?14 on yesasia, worth a go?

    Any input will be much appreciated.

    GG: G is poor to average at best sort of title. I believe 505 gamestreet are releasing this in pal format later this year so you could wait and buy that one; it'll probably be a tenner!


      I don't like the high-res look of the graphics in GWG, but it's really just the 30fps framerate that seriously hampers it. Otherwise I'd say it's a pretty decent shooter thats still worth a look if you like the Dreamcast games.

      (If you've not played the DC games though, get either of them before you consider GWG..)

      GigaWing 2>GigaWing>>>>GigaWing Generations


      BTW, I think that'll be the "Taito Best" re-release yesasia are selling for ?14.

      SS Tenka seems to be pretty good from what I've read.


        I spent a lot of time playing Samurai Spirits with a mate of mine this weekend, and I have to say it's great fun. I never played much SS games before this one, so I don't know anything about all the technicalities, but there's a boatload of really diverse characters, it looks great with vibrant colours and 3D backgrounds, I really love the soundtrack and the sound quality is great too, much better than the avarage neogeo port (it's an atomiswave game). Haven't played any single player so I can't comment on that, but 2 player is really fun.

        There are 6 or 7 different 'grooves' you can pick after selecting your characters. I don't know any japanese and didn't have time to figure it all out, but I noticed differences like some modes give you a parry/dodge button, or different specials etc etc.

        Only bad thing I noticed about it is that they censored the blood again, someone really should tell them no one cares about that anymore.

        So yeah, I highly recommend it if you like 2D fighters


          If you are going to pick up a fighter, I would recommend KOF Neowave. It is a great port of the arcade game, and I have barely stopped playing it since picking it up.

          The Sam Spirits does look good though.


            Should be getting the new samurai shodown game this week will do a first play thread (unless someone does one first)

            Gigawing generations i thought was good fun the problem is it pales compared to gigawings 2 which had far better graphics and a more satisfying scoreing system.
            Though it is a VERY short game

