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Dead/Stuck pixels on uk PSP's, Still an issue?

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    Dead/Stuck pixels on uk PSP's, Still an issue?

    Got my b'day coming up soon and im after a new uk psp, i was wondering if i still should be concerned about dead/stuck pixels as you dont seem to hear anybody complaining about this anymore? Has this problem been resolved?

    Mountain out of a mole hill. The technology is fallable anyway so yeah, it is still an issue but no where near what one images from random Interweb posts


      I wouldnt say that. I bought 2 DS's, both with lit pixels. 3rd time lucky. PSPs, with their bigger screens, are more likely to have them.

      If you argue with the manager or whatever you'll probably be able to swap it til you get one that youre happy with, however.


        Ok thanks, i dont suppose GAME would power it up for me so i can check the screen instore would they?


          Originally posted by SuperDanX
          Ok thanks, i dont suppose GAME would power it up for me so i can check the screen instore would they?
          i dont think so - but even if they did a dead/lit pixel can really appear at any time

          I had a US one which powered up the first time with none and within 2 weeks i had about 6 and now on that PSP (which is used for homebrew) i still have 6, personally you dont really see them anyway opnly when the machine is powering up and you get the pure black screen


            Cheers, have to take my chances i suppose. Id mind less about the problem developing over a period of time, just dont fancy buying one with the problem from the off.


              I didn't have any on my white japanese machine when I got it, now I have three - they're all at the top though so don't bother me, and also can only be seen if I'm playing it in the dark.

