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Supergun Questions

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    Supergun Questions

    Never really used a Supergun before... I've know OF them, of course, but never had the kind of finacial income to make owning one worthwhile. But after seeing all the Superguns being sold on here, I'm tempted...

    1) All the Superguns being sold on here seem to be RGB Scart. Does anyone make a VGA etc Supergun?

    2) So basically this allows me to play any Jamma-based game on my TV? Simple as that?

    1) You could get a VGA plug, fix one up yourself; easy enough to do but getting a monitor to sync could be a problem.

    2) Yes. No wait, no. Depends on button wiring, what kind of game it is (special controls?), TATE and so on. Mostly yes then

    There's a thread on rllmuk(ed up) where a whole bunch of idiots made some. Me included, also posted the results here (not actually finish it but it still works).


      If you really want a VGA output then the XRGB 2 (not 2+ or later) is a nice bit of equipment, it's not super cheap but then it's the best of the bunch & you won't be able to put something together yourself.


        Bear in mind that normal JAMMA standard arcade games aren't scanning progressively anyway, so there'd be no benefit whatsoever to having it run through VGA.

        As for your other question, yes, all JAMMA standard games that run in standard resolution should work fine on it. Vertical games will obviously display sideways on your TV. The controls are your own problem.

