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Original XBox or XBox 360? - advice please

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    Original XBox or XBox 360? - advice please

    Hi everyone,
    I'm looking for advice on which XBox console to get. I dont own any XBox yet, but I have always closely followed its progress since it was released, to see which games I was interested in (I always try and follow all formats, as im sure many of you do) Over time it has built up a great portfolio of games that I want to play, including:-
    Halo 1 + 2
    Panzer Dragoon Orta
    House of the Dead 3
    Jet Set Radio Future
    Shenmue 2
    Doom 3
    Conker Live and Reloaded
    Grabbed by the Goullies
    Project Gotham Racing 1 + 2
    I have slowly been buying many of these games when I see them pop up cheaply on ebay (even thought I have yet the means to play them) I was just going to get a 360 at first - as when I first started buying these games it was rumoured to be totally backwards compatable , then as time progessed it became "will only play certain original XBox titles"

    Anyway, my question is, given my choice of games mentioned above, would I be better buying an original XBox console, or using the money to go towards an XBox 360? (Given that some of these games I own/want are currently unplayable on 360 - and that I would just have to hope Microsoft eventually add them to the back catalogue)

    Also, if you say original XBox, would I be better getting a modded console or an unmodified one? (Im not interested in pirate copies though) and if so, with which mods? (Hard drive size, Xecuter, etc)

    Thanks in advance for any advice
    Last edited by Link83; 01-03-2006, 10:08.

    XBox emulation on the 360 is not at a point where the 360 can replace the original XBox. Right now it's just a neat novelty, but there is only basic emulation code. It will get better of course, but half the games you listed do not work.

    The 360 probably seems more sensible forward -thinking, but your going to need an original XBox if you wanna get into XBox1 gaming.

    As for modification, it's actually amazingly easy to modify an XBox yourself as you can get solderless adaptors, although you might wanna modify one yourself.
    The older the XBox the better - date is on the bottom of the console. It doesn't make much difference, it's just the newer 1.6 machines use more fiddly solderless adaptors.


      Have to agre with Shakey, 360 BC is not that great for the majority of the games that are supported. Go with a Xbox for now, they are really cheap as chips and really worth it.


        Xbox all the way, i sold my original xbox a few months before 360 release, realised that it wasn't such a wise decision as BC is not too good, recently bought back another xbox.
        As someone else said, you can pick up a xbox for a good price now, and let the 360 come down in price, it seems you have waited this long, do the same again, get the xbox, and buy the 360 and games you want at a future date.
        Hope this helps


          Only own an Xbox1, but can say for emulation its amazing! I use it more than my P.C, I actually sold my Jap Megadrive and SFC/SNES collection based on how great it was!

          I'd get a modded one if only to burn games to hard disk, It's a god send not to trek across the living room to pick up a box only to find I haven't didn't the game back from last play
          I also use it as a media centre and its great for watching those episodes of 'My Name Is Earl' or 'Prison Break' I missed! You can FTP files across in no time and Xbox plays anything without any hassle.

          Also could be worth mentioning you can upgrade the hard disk lead to an ATA 100 lead, this just makes disc accesing slightly faster, also seems to run roms quicker, not sure why as would have thought it's do do with CPU, but anyhow Elevator Action Returns runs nearly flawlessly on MAME so I'm happy!

          I use my Xbox for more of an all round entertainment system than a games console, but JSRF, Fight Night Round 2 and Halo always get a good run through too. I'd stick to the original box mate, wait till the 360 has had the chance to be smashed open by the emulator/coding crowd

          Having owned a hell of a lot of consoles over my life, I can say hands down the Xbox is in my top 3, purely for it's versatility (when modded!).
          Last edited by Escape-To-88; 01-03-2006, 16:25.
          3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


            Thanks very much everyone for your advice.

            I have decided that I will just get an original XBox and leave the 360 till:-
            a) it goes down in price, and
            b) there is a greater portfolio of games for it

            As a complete newbie to the XBox scene, I would really appreciate some advice on which mods to get, and where to get a modded console from?

            I have heard of 'Xecutor' but have absolutely no idea what it actually does! I have also seen modded consoles with a small blue LCD display on the front, and even ones with USB ports soldered onto them!

            Then theres all the various 'dashboards' and 'bios'....

            ....All this has ended up making me even more confused as to what sort of modded XBox I should be looking for - I have even heard that the brand of DVD drive is important, aswell as when the console was made.

            I am half tempted to just buy the basic console from an internet retailer, but then I keep thinking i'll wish I had bought a modded console to start with...

            So any advice would be greatly appreciated

            <EDIT> I have just realised that I might not be allowed to talk about modded Xbox's in the forum - is this the case?
            If so I am sorry if I have annoyed anyone, as I mentioned previously, i'm not into pirate games at all - im only really asking for the 'media centre' aspect of it, that and the fact that I would like be able to enable progressive scan in the future if possible
            Last edited by Link83; 02-03-2006, 00:47.



              Can mod for you aswell.


                Thanks Nick for your offer, but at the moment I dont even know what sort of mods I need!


                  Sorry to bump my thread, but has anyone got any suggestions/advice?


                    XBOX would be a better investment as XBOX 360 games are too expensive at the moment.

                    There is a thread in Rllumk for someone called Console Passion or something which take over modding as Yod@ is on a break from modding.

