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Xbox 360 PAL50/60 Option... WTF?

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    Xbox 360 PAL50/60 Option... WTF?

    Ok I have always had my 360 set to PAL60 from initial setup but last night I downloaded The Outfit Demo (didnt we all) and when I went to play it I got a message saying my console was set to PAL50 and it was incompatible.

    In the console settings options for Display there is no longer any option to revert to PAL60 at all and I am currently running 720P through the HD AV cable. What can I do?

    Is my only option to plug in composite to get the option back in the menu, set it, and then plug component back in?

    Also, any thoughts on the cause of change back to PAL50? I was thinking the auto-update might have done it during the week... weirdly in addition to this RR6 was unplayable for some people in my server last night so it seems that game might have a severe issue with people running different refresh rates.

    Originally posted by nonny
    Ok I have always had my 360 set to PAL60 from initial setup but last night I downloaded The Outfit Demo (didnt we all) and when I went to play it I got a message saying my console was set to PAL50 and it was incompatible.

    In the console settings options for Display there is no longer any option to revert to PAL60 at all and I am currently running 720P through the HD AV cable. What can I do?

    Is my only option to plug in composite to get the option back in the menu, set it, and then plug component back in?

    Also, any thoughts on the cause of change back to PAL50? I was thinking the auto-update might have done it during the week... weirdly in addition to this RR6 was unplayable for some people in my server last night so it seems that game might have a severe issue with people running different refresh rates.
    Yeah, I think thats all you can do, or maybe holding down Y as you turn on the 360 to reset the video settings.


      bugger, this is annoying me.

      Ive just downloaded the outfit demo (took nearly 2 hours - 512k connection) and now I can't play it. Currently outputing a 1080p display. Has anyone got any idea if the demo can be played via high def or have I just wasted my evening?


        Yoshimax told me how to do this, you need to turn off the HD switch on the back of your 360 cable then when you turn on the 360 you can go into the display settings and set it to pal 60. When you turn it back to HD it will work fine.


          Mate you beat me to the punch...

          Yep I had completely forgotten about that wee switch on the Component cable. Still not sure what caused it to revert back to 50hz though, I was playing DOA4 up until last sunday so I think it must of been the update.



            It's not that it's changed back to PAL50. Basically, the console saves the settings for your SD and HD display modes separately. Since those of us who have HDTV's probably went straight into HD mode, we never had a need to switch the SD settings into 60Hz.

            The demo is just a spanner and doesn't think about this.


              take it out from vga use ur nomrla component lead to plug in a nomal standard TV.

              Gotyo system and options display set to 60hz again and save it.

              close down go to monitor plug in vga and it shuld work.

              Same happend to me dude and that fixed it, just bity gay ms dont add the option for vga

