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Full Dreamcast and PS2 system specs...

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    Full Dreamcast and PS2 system specs...

    I am having trouble finding some of the key specs for the Dreamcast and the PS2 and was hoping one of you guys could hook me up.

    I am trying to prove on another forum that the PS2 was NOT 10X more powerful than the Dreamcast and it was infact not much more powerful.

    The muppet i am talking with seams to be of the impression that any DC games tha twere also later ported to PS2 were better on PS2 also (this is due to the PS2 being more powerful).

    I think just finding specs isn't going to prove stuff as he'll probably go off on a tangent about emotion etc. bollocks, they usually do.

    I do know that the dreamcast had a 233mhz cpu and the ps2 had 300mhz


      Cheers EvilBoris....

      It just angers me that somebody had tried to slurry the name of the Dreamcast for not being powerful yet IMo its not about the power. The guy seams to think because the PS2 was more powerful it had better games.

      He is implying games like Crazy Taxi were way better on PS2. Personaly i disagree.

      Can anybody help me out with some ammo to prove the PS2 was not 10X the power of the Dreamcast...
      Last edited by The Mole; 14-03-2006, 13:46.


        Originally posted by The Mole
        The guy seams to think because the PS2 was more powerful it had better games.
        well he's obviously an idiot... and everybody knows it's pointless arguing with idiots as even when shown the facts they'll ignore them and carry on.

        dreamcast (courtesy of;

        Hitachi SH-4 running at 200 Mhz.
        360 MIPS
        16MB main RAM
        8MB video RAM. 3 million polygons/second peak rendering rate . Perspective-Correct Texture Mapping. Point, Bilinear, Trilinear and Anisotropic Mip-map filtering. Gouraud shading. z-buffer. Colored light sourcing. Full scene anti-aliasing. Hardware-based Fog
        Bump mapping. 16.77 million colors.
        Hardware-based texture compression
        Shadow and Light volumes. Super sampling
        2MB sound RAM.
        32bit RISC CPU. DSP for real-time effects. 64 sound channels. Full 3D sound support. Hardware-based audio compression.
        4 controller ports.
        Built-in 56kbps modem
        Built-in high-speed expansion ports

        PS2 (according to:

        Tech Specs: CPU: 128-bit "Emotion Engine" (300MHz) with multiple co-processors
        RAM: 32MB Rambus DRAM, 4MB Video RAM
        Graphics: Dedicated graphics synthesizer connected to CPU via 64-bit 1.2GB/s bus
        Colors: 16.7 million
        Sprites: 18.75 million
        Polygons: 66 million per second
        Resolution: Variable from 256x224 to 1280x1024 pixels
        Sound: 2MB, 48 voice audio with support for Dolby, AC3 and DTS

        what it all means i haven't a clue but the ps2 wasn't earth shatteringly powerful compared to the DC.

        **edit: i seem to remember the figure '75 million' bandied about the place when ps2 was first announced regarding polys, it then dropped to 66million, these were of course the rates for unfilled polys whereas the dreamcast was a realistic filled poly rate with various effects added.


          Just look at the hardware guides on

          They have run down of specs.

          It's a pointless exercise though. Arguing about specs doesn't prove anything.


            Originally posted by The Mole
            I am trying to prove on another forum that the PS2 was NOT 10X more powerful than the Dreamcast and it was infact not much more powerful.
            Other forums lead to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to pies.


              Originally posted by The Mole
              He is implying games like Crazy Taxi were way better on PS2.
              In which case he's a total nutcase. The Dreamcast release is demonstrably better in both image quality and framerate, even before you hook up the DC with a VGA box when the PS2 release is interlace-only.


                Do yourself a favour and bookmark Wikipedia for whenever you need to argue a point like this :

                Dreamcast tech specs
                PS2 tech specs


                  He has now moved onto the DS has no original games the yare just N64 ports.

                  Heres the topic incase anybody wants to look in....


                    A Sony fanboy is criticising the DS for not having any original games?


                      To be honest, the cube and PS2 version of crazy taxi didn't suffer the slowdown that the DC one had.


                        Originally posted by The Mole
                        He has now moved onto the DS has no original games the yare just N64 ports.

                        Heres the topic incase anybody wants to look in....

                        I'd like to him name a game that wasn't Mario 64 or Rayman. That's a grand total of a whopping 2 by the way, clearly justifying his statement (I just remembered, sarcasm isn't witty with text, or ever)


                          Originally posted by The Mole
                          He has now moved onto the DS has no original games the yare just N64 ports.

                          Heres the topic incase anybody wants to look in....

                          *Opens link*
                          wot happend to the saton and dreamcast?
                          *Closes link*


                            Originally posted by Kubrick
                            *Opens link*

                            *Closes link*
                            Your not missing much just the usual fanboy rubbish that's usually on gamefaqs.

