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Dowloading Wipeout content

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    Dowloading Wipeout content

    So I've recently bought a JPN PSP and an UK copy of Wipeout Pure. I'd like to dowload the additional content available, but obviously have a few problems.

    1) My PSP serial no obviosuly won't let me register on the UK PSP site, so I can't dl the content. Is there any way around this? Can anyone provide me with a serial no that they don't intend to use for registration purposes? Or perhaps lending me a valid password and email addy?

    2) Failing that, is it possible to get the data from other means?

    Any help much appreciated.
    Last edited by Jashin; 25-03-2006, 09:28.

    theres a few sites which have the content downloadable without a serial number. they obviously arent legal so ill PM you with details


      Aren't legal? If you had to pay for the content then yes, but it's free.

      Jashin go check PSPUpdates, the usually have all the downable content on there.


        You have to register your PSP to get the WipeOut Pure content?

        I have a Jap PSP and US copy of WOP and I have not had to register anything. Is this just a UK thing?


 all links back to


            I presume this doesn't apply if you download from within the game itself as I too have a JPN PSP and UK WOP and have had no problems getting the downloads via a wireless connection.


              Thanks for the advice chaps. Ok, so I've managed to get a legit serial number from a friend, and I've registered with the Sony site. Most of stuff has dowloaded without a problem. However, there's an error page 'There is a problem with your request' for three of the downloads - Omega 2, Classic
              1-2, and Classic 2-2. Does anyone know whether this is a problem with the site or at my end?


                Ok, this is all sorted now. Looks like the links for the above content were broken on the WO homepage. All works fine fron

