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Dreamcast stick to jamma - wiring?

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    Dreamcast stick to jamma - wiring?

    Finally got round to modding my DC stick to use on my Supergun.

    I have used to get most of the info I need

    I am almost done but have a couple of questions. Do I need to connect the 2 common wires in the stick (in this picture they are black 1 from the buttons and 1 from the stick) together via the wire I am conneting to my Supergun D plug?

    Also on this picture what is the white wire going from the stick to the other wires?


    A nifty site. A real shame the pictorials don't describe the full conversion process.
    "Here's a finished one - just copy it"

    Perhaps in time they will add better articles. I shall certainly be reading this site now, thanks for the heads up.


      Jesus that looks complicated , i did mine another way which kept it DC and supergun compatible. If anyone wants a pic i can open it up and take some pics



        That'd be cool. How about a little info on how you did it too?


          Found the fault, seems my DC stick has a dodgy Start button.

          Just wired start to X button for now and all is working great.

          It really is very simple and I (who has NO soldering/ wiring skills) did the whole thing in around 1 hour.

          Even kept the stick DC compatible by leaving the DC PCB intact.


            Heh, i did the same too

            I just love the DC stick



              Sorry for the delay in doing this (forgot all about it)

              If you notice the wiring goes underneath the VMU pcb on the pads that the buttons use. So no wires need to be cut. Main aim was to keep the DC stick in full working order for the DC as well as my supergun

              This is just the connector i used to fit in, vga connector i think, but it did the job wonderfully.So there it is


                Nice work, I just need to get hold of a Dremel to cut the hole and im done. 8)


                  i really like the way bwi has made his DC stick im thinking of makin one out of my DC stick could any one tell me what ill need to do the job and how to do it i have a arcadeheaven supergun. ive worked out what every pin does on the D plug so im half way there
                  many thanks


                    I'm thinking of buying an Arcade Heaven Supergun soon - would you guys recommend? What's the RGB quality like?

                    I'll be modding both my DC sticks for it too so I'll just bookmark this topic...


                      I'm pretty sure they used to buy theirs off ravengames but then ditched them in favour of making their own.

                      Havent anything good or bad against them tbh. Just make sure that its wired up so you can play neo geo mvs (needs 4th button) also make sure you cann atttach if you want a kick harness for capcom CPS-2 boards (if you want Vs and SF games.

                      My mate had one from Raven about two years ago and i had to od hell out of it for him.



                        well i havnt tested it yet cause i havnt got a jamma pcb to play but yeah you do get the 6 button wiring socket and it is ment to be wired for neo-geo 4 button it also has a 3.5mm jack for connecting to an amp.ive seen the way they make the DC stick and they gut them and re-wire the whole stick but i prefer the way bri has done it but im a bit confussed how to wire the joystick part up. bri can you post a few more pics of your stick so i can see how you have done it


                          i took some pics last night, but only people with night vision could make it out. Will try again tonight with better lighting conditions. I'll also mark out the points and what they do on the VMU card.



                            cool cheers bri

