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N64 Picture trouble, help very much appreciated.

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    N64 Picture trouble, help very much appreciated.

    I Recently bought a n64 as i missed quite a few games when i owned it originally, the first game i have bought is majoras mask.

    The expansion pak arrived this morning and its fine, the game works.

    The problem, i certainly don't remember this when i played it originally, but there are interferance lines all over the screen, it looks terrible, can anyone please please help, Thank you.

    Are you running it through a scart switcher? Could be that.

    Is it RGB modded? One of the mods can cause slight interference on lighter portions of the screen.


      Hiya charles, it's just running through the standard scart which comes with the console, no rgb mod or anything, just a Pal console, hope this helps Thank you too.


        The n64 didn't come with a SCART unless you lived in FRANCE - and even at that the FRENCH scart wasn't TRUE rgb, it just converted the S-Video signal to RGB.

        RAre you entirley sure you're using a Scart? Not RF?
        Because if it's RF then RF always looks like crap, just pick up an S-Video or get that think RGB modded!
        Never ever use composite, it sucks - but the N64 is blurry as hell anyway so I guess it doesn't matter too much.


          Sorry, i just meant the block scart with the red, yellow and white inputs.
          There are lines all through the picture and big wavy ones too from the top of the screen right down to the bottom.
          Can i get a pal console modded for RGB? or do i need a ntsc unit?
          Still, i'm pretty sure i never had this much interferance when i had my n64 before.
          Thank you for help


            The leads you are using are composite so you're not going to get a great picture at the best of times. It might be that you're getting interference from another source though that's causing the wavy lines (another power source/ speakers etc.)?

            The N64 picture looks pretty poor these days generally tbh when compared to newer consoles esp. when you use rgb or component leads. TV's are generally getting bigger so tend to show the limitations of the composite video signal a lot more too.

            I'm not sure about rgb modding PAL consoles but it's only possible to rgb mod some ntsc machines (earlier productions runs I think). Another benefit of ntsc machines is that games run at full speed & with smaller/ no borders so definitely the way to go.


              Sounds dodgy then - if it's just plugged straight into the TV from a standard PAL console, the pic should be ok.

              [not very helpful]Throw it in the bin and buy an NTSC version[/not very helpful]

