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X2vga 2

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    X2vga 2

    Hey, i'm thinking of purchasing one to use with the xbox. Any opinions and experience. The xbox is modded so i can switch to ntsc mode as i know pal mode isnt compatible.


    I'm guessing that this is your only option if you want to play Xbox games or XBMC in HDTV resolutions?

    Are you planning on inputting this into a monitor or a HDTV? If you have a HDTV with Component input, then don't get it.

    All the X2VGA2 does is convert Component to RGB-VGA and of course conversion always loses quality during the process.

    If however you are planning to input it into a VGA Monitor of some sort, then I would highly recommend it as HD is the nuts and you have no other choice.

    Also the process is not as easy as using the Enigma-Video Changer to change from PAL to NTSC. I have a PAL V1.0 and I had to manually go in and enable the 720p and 1080i modes within the EEPROM, which was really annoying as I this one was softmodded and of course to edit the EEPROM you need the Hard Drive unlocked which you can't do with a softmod.


      I'd agree most of the comments above. The quality isn't going to be any better than component so unless you want to hook your Xbox up to a monitor it's really not worth the extra expense.

      I had an X2VGA+ and my Samsung hdtv didn't like it at all (despite supporting 480i, 480p, 720p & 1080i resolutions). Neoya may have now resolved the incompatabilty probs with some models of lcd monitors/ tv's with the new X2VGA2, but it's worth bearing in mind.


        I have one of the X2VGA+ interfaces (bought here a few weeks ago). The Xbox certainly looks good on a PC Monitor (17" Iilyama CRT - I don't have an HDTV). Some games even run at 720.


          I have a iiyama and intend to run the xbox through the monitor. Do all games support the higher resolutions. What about 2d fighters wont they look cack?


            Almost all games support 480p, but only a select few support 720p/1080i.


              Originally posted by tom-nook
              I'd agree most of the comments above. The quality isn't going to be any better than component so unless you want to hook your Xbox up to a monitor it's really not worth the extra expense.
              It would indeed not look any better, actually only worse, or as good. This is simply becuase the Xbox is not capable of outputting RGB.

              The only thing that the Xbox can output, other than SD of course, is Component. All the original X2VGA and the new X2VGA2 is doing is converting Y, Pb/Cb, Pr/Cr to VGA, so of course it can't look any better than what it starts with.

              This is a different stroy with the Xbox 360 as that can output native RGB so the comparison of Y, Pb/Cb, Pr/Cr Vs RGB is valid.

              With regard to all games supporting the HDTV resolution, no they do not. Pretty much all games do support 480p, which will look better than they normally do but the rest is a bit hit and miss.

              Check the official Xbox site as all the games that support HDTV resolutions.

              That will list all Xbox gaves that support at least 480p.

