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Final Fantasy X-2 International Versions

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    Final Fantasy X-2 International Versions

    Wanting to buy this game, being a bit of a fan of the standard FFX-2.

    However, were there any limited edition, or special edition versions released? I recently bought Kingdom Hearts Final Mix: Platinum Limited from a forumer, and want to make sure I get any Special Edition version of FFX-2 International if one was released.

    Well, if you are planning to get FFX-2 International I hope that you can read Japanese.

    Unlike FFX:I and KH:FM, FFX-2:I does not have english text. The only language that you can have is Japanese. If you can read Japanese, then you are OK.

    There are no extra special editions of it as far as I am aware, the version that I have is just FFX-2:I, no extra extra bells and whistles. As I can speak and read Japanese this suits me just fine but if you can't then I wouldn't get it.

    Personally it didn't really add THAT much to FFX-2 so I wouldn't have bought it, mind you I didn't exactly buy the copy that I have.
    Last edited by 3x3cut10n3r; 13-04-2006, 14:53.


      Yeah I know it's unfortunately only got Japanese text =/ Just want it for collection purposes really. Thanks for confirming the lack of an LE though!

