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Wireless Networks

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    Wireless Networks

    I just bought a wireless laptop computer and have noticed from my home I seem to be able to access some wireless networks from other folk who live nearby,
    just a few quick questions,
    whilst I have my own BB connection, are there any legal issues involved in piggybacking on other peoples unencripted wireless BB connection,
    also what security issues might I need to be aware of,
    and will this affect their internet usage (i.e might they encounter decreased surfing speeds?)
    if I could continue to use other folks connections for free I could cancel my own.

    They will likely encounter decreased speeds, noticeably more when downloading. I dont think there are legal issues with it, its just something that many (most?) people either dont bother doing or forget to do. Lots of people I know use neighbours connections rather than pay for their own, which is a cheeky but who can blame them when others leave the door wide open.


      If you are accessing their unsecure network, doesn't it mean yours is wide open too? So if there's someone like you nearby, they could check out what you are doing if they could be bothered?


        I guess you are right if their network is unsecure if I become part of the same unsecure network so will my computer as well.
        I feel a bit bad about using others internet connection anyway, feels a bit like stealing, so I will probably just set up a wireless network myself today instead, anyway thanks for the replies


          It's VERY illegal. A guy was jailed for doing drive by surfing last year.


            i think its quite sad really that people would rather steal someone elses bandwidth than buy their own. Even worse, your own neighbours?!?! Come on, i think that everyone on this forum can afford their own connection. However its also quite sad that some people are dumb enough to have unsecured networks. Sermon over!!!!!


              Originally posted by marcus
              Lots of people I know use neighbours connections rather than pay for their own, which is a cheeky but who can blame them when others leave the door wide open.
              Sigh, it's not cheeky, it's theft...pure and simple.

