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360/networking, a n00by asks...

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    360/networking, a n00by asks...

    ok, i've got an ntl cable connection to the interweb which goes into a netgear something or other router and then in turn is cabled to my pc (xp) and 360 to share the webby goodness.

    so a quick question, should my pc be able to see the 360 on the network or not? i have absolutely no clue, i'm frankly amazed i managed to get everything running so nicely with my lack of network knowledge.

    apologies for wasting your time but the xbox/microsoft webs(h)ite was very little help at all.

    Download Windows Media Connect and share a folder on your PC which you wish to view on the 360, then goto the 360 Computers page and Search for your computer. All being well it will find the PC and you can hopefully view stuff from your shared area on it.


      it's that easy?


        If it all works it is

        Let us know if you have problems.


          currently installing all 43 windows updates i've been missing since.... i dunno when

          when it's finished (sometime tomorrow probably) i'll get around to popping media center on and we'll see how idiot proof it really is.


            I'm having trouble getting my 360 to see my PC through my router


              Originally posted by EvilBoris
              I'm having trouble getting my 360 to see my PC through my router
              after spending nigh on 2.5 hours installing updates and what have you i have twice the problem... my pc doesn't want to see the 360 nor the 360 my pc.

              *edit: rrrrrrrright, after another hour+ fiddling and turning off my firewall for a moment, my pc will now see the 360 but the 360 doesn't wanna know that there's a pc somewhere along the line.

              so same place as boris.
              Last edited by Crisp_Rapper; 16-04-2006, 02:07.


                f**king 360.

                *edit: just tried by-passing the router completely and plugging my ethernet straight into the pc... the 360 still can't find it.

                i'm using a netgear 614 series router, is there something simple i'm missing here?
                Last edited by Crisp_Rapper; 16-04-2006, 09:21.


                  Had the same problem, my laptop can see the 360 straight away but the 360 cannot see the laptop.

                  I have been told it's all down to my firewall blocking the port but can't be arsed to spend anymore time on it tbh.
                  Tried turning all my security of on my laptop but it still doesn't work.


                    Had the same problem as you guys, but one day it decided to start magically working and since then all has been fine.


                      Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
                      *edit: just tried by-passing the router completely and plugging my ethernet straight into the pc... the 360 still can't find it.
                      Is it not supposed to be a crossover cable that you use if you`re doing that?


                        Originally posted by Space Monkey
                        Is it not supposed to be a crossover cable that you use if you`re doing that?
                        *shrugs* maybe... never said i was any good at this did i?


                          I plugged the 360 directly into my pc and ran that pcsetup bit, then i unplugged the 360 and jacked it into the router and media connect now seems to be able to see it.


                            hmm, where's that crossover???????????????????????????/


                              strangely, this just started working...

