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UMD movie password

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    UMD movie password

    okay i've got a UMD movie, but because its an 18 i have to enter some 4 digit password, its the most stupid, annoying, cuntish way to make a product child friendly ever. Imagine if i had to input a damn password every time i had to watch an adult dvd, its just not on , sort it out sony.

    Anyway i haven't got a clue what this password is or where to obtain it, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    I think im right in saying that the umd itself isnt password protected, i think your psp has its 'child lock' on. You need to go into your psp menu and disable it, should work ok then you dirty perv ;-)


      thanks for that, now i can enjoy my copy of La Blue Girl


        It's punishment for buying a UMD movie

        Yeah, it's a hardware option as opposed to being on the disc. You should be able to turn off the password in the menu as long as you know the code.


          It is a PSP rather than UMD thing yes, but I think you need the password to turn the "child lock" off. It must be listed in the manual/on the box, otherwise google I guess.


            Why would they bother, when the current range of PSP advertising advocates illegally downloading all your pornography off the internet in order to place it on a memory stick?


              I don't think downloading porn and transferring it to your PSP is illegal. At least I hope it's not...


                I was meaning the porn itself as illegal - there is no legal release of "One Night in Paris" in the UK, is there?


                  Hmmm...I'm not sure. That particular film would be on tricky legal ground given that it contains a celeb. I'm sure other porn is cool though, isn't it? It is here in Ireland and I'd be stunned if laws are more strict in the UK.


                    If you downloaded porn and didn't buy it chances are it's been stolen from somewhere. They just don't enforce control over their IP as vociferously the music and movie industries because it would draw attention to how easy it is for kids to get porn online and inevitably lead to a crackdown and moral panic.

                    I noticed that about the current adverts, though. I saw one on the side of a bus yesterday with an obvious reference to the infamous 1 Night in Paris, and I'm pretty sure that isn't on UMD and can't even be legally obtained anymore. Apparently even Sony have lost the faith...


                      All hardcore porn is illegal in the uk. afaik.


                        Originally posted by SuperDanX
                        All hardcore porn is illegal in the uk. afaik.
                        Not anymore

                        It's now legal, thanks to the EU I believe. One of those changes of laws they managed to sneak in quite recently. You can only buy it in licensed mucky shops, but feel free to tug away.



                          There is a god after all!


                            I swear I saw a HMV advert in mag for the one night in paris DVD, I was just gonna buy it to see whether or not HMV were selling hardcore porn. But I never followed through with it, anyone buy it?

                            Edit: Actually I'll remove the link I found to HMV's website I dont wanna get banned for it, even though the pics have got red circles on things
                            Last edited by erhgiez; 19-04-2006, 22:06.

