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Original ipod introduction

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    Original ipod introduction

    Someone posted this up on youtube recently.

    Very cool seeing this now.

    Credit to Jobs really, Apple really hit the nail on the head with their very first attempt.

    Gotta give credit. He hit the nail square on the head. Regardless of what the haters say, the iPod is one top piece of kit. I have not seen anything on the market that I would use to replace it.


      It'll never take off.


        What surprised me though was how **** the 1st gen ipod looked now!


          A lot has happened in 5 years. Still Apple will have to be on the ball to keep the mp3 player market and expand into yet untapped territories. Somehow I can't see them retaining their current market share over the next 5 years.


            I was looking at this and a few other Apple announcements. I must admit, I do enjoy these performances that Apple and Jobs put on. they certainly do put on a good show. It may be silly at times and completely over the top in most descriptions, but it is a really exciting way to announce a new product - it certainly beats waiting for rumours in forum posts and press releases to trickle out (heh, no ofense to you all or anyhting). Instead, BAM! Here's what's new today. I wish more companies could act as excitingly as they do

