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Help needed for wireless PSP set-up! SORTED!!

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    Help needed for wireless PSP set-up! SORTED!!

    Hi guys, I seem to be having a bit of bother getting my PSP online with my wireless network at home. Can I first say that a neighbour of mine has wireless and I can connect, using my PSP and his connection, just fine.

    My PC sees the router and connects to the internet with no problem. The router is set to broadcast the SSID. At the moment I have turned off the 128-WEP encrpytion as a knowledgeable computer-y friend told me he'd found out for me that the 128-WEP encrpytion, does apparently not work too well with the PSP infrastructure mode (could be a load of ol' tosh, I suppose), but seeing as the PSP can't see the router anyway, I'd be happy to put the encryption back on if necessary.

    I use a desktop computer with a belkin wireless card (Belkin 802.11g Wireless PCI Adapter), a BT Voyager 2091 router (currently not incrypted). My PSP can see ANY other wireless connection in the area but NOT mine (grrrr). Is there anyone here that can help me because I am at my wits end!

    Also, I know I might sound like I understand all the tech jargon, but I only know about what I have encountered so far, so I'd be grateful if you could bear that in mind if you are able to help me out - i.e. layman's terms would be appreciated - treat me as if I know nothing (which isn't far from the truth anyway!)

    If you need any more details, please let me know

    Thanks in advance

    Last edited by funkydan; 25-04-2006, 21:12.

    Are you using the Automatic Scan option on the PSP? If so, have you hidden your wireless network so that you have to enter the name of it manually to get access?

    If it is hidden then the PSP would not be able to find it unless you tell it what the network is called.


      Originally posted by C'
      Are you using the Automatic Scan option on the PSP? If so, have you hidden your wireless network so that you have to enter the name of it manually to get access?

      If it is hidden then the PSP would not be able to find it unless you tell it what the network is called.
      No, it's not hidden.....any other thoughts?


        Can anyone help me please?


          It doesn't appear that anyone knows what I should do, but I was wondering if anyone can tell me if replacing the Belkin wireless card (with a different brand) in my desktop PC would help? If so, could you recommend one?


            Easiest way to test that out would be to take the PC to the router and plug it in via a network cable. If that doesn't help then, it's not the wireless card. Have you got the latest firmware on your router?


              Thanks for the advice Charles, I'll give that a try. I will also check to see if there are any available updates for my router (might do that first though!)


                Quote "I was wondering if anyone can tell me if replacing the Belkin wireless card (with a different brand) in my desktop PC would help? If so, could you recommend one?"

                are you trying to connect via your wireless router, or are you trying to connect through the wireless card?

                is your router actually wireless?if it is,andyour pc can see the wireless connection, your psp should too?

                let me know and i'll give u any tips you need,


                  Double post
                  Last edited by bootmonster; 25-04-2006, 13:14.


                    Originally posted by bootmonster
                    Quote "I was wondering if anyone can tell me if replacing the Belkin wireless card (with a different brand) in my desktop PC would help? If so, could you recommend one?"

                    are you trying to connect via your wireless router, or are you trying to connect through the wireless card?
                    When I was asking if I should replace the wireless card, that was because I thought it might be the case that Belkin card I bought was perhaps a load of old sh*t with a rubbish access point. And yes, I'm trying to connect to my wireless router (not via the card)

                    Originally posted by bootmonster
                    is your router actually wireless?
                    It's definitely wireless, as my PC connects to the internet via my wireless router just fine

                    Originally posted by bootmonster
                    if it is, and your pc can see the wireless connection, your psp should too?
                    I KNOW! That's what makes this so frustrating - why can't my PSP see the freakin' wireless connection (grrrr)

                    Originally posted by bootmonster
                    let me know and i'll give u any tips you need,
                    Magic Man, please make it work! (good luck)


                      best thing to do is to try resetting your router to it's defaults, set up the username and password etc.

                      if that isn't working...

                      confirm the ip range that your router is allowing,and hard set your psp to one of the ip addresses.

                      my psp is fine but i'm a actually having a similar problem getting a nintendo ds to connect to a mentor wireless-g router, although in that particular case i think it may just be that the ds is incompatible with the router.

                      have you also tried resetting your psp settings also?

                      sometimes can make a difference.


                        Sorted - we (a friend and I) changed the channel from 13 to 11, and it's all working now - thanks for your advice though guys.


                          got a us psp by any chance?

                          us wifi allows bands 1-11
                          uk wifi allows bands 1-13
                          and the japs use 14 as well apparently.

                          Don't know how this translates to psp.

                          maybe they are all limited fro 1-11, but well.

                          It would make sense
                          Last edited by bootmonster; 26-04-2006, 10:49.


                            Yeah, got mine from VG+! Oh well, ya lives and learns All sorted now!

