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Xbox bios guru needed! 5035 Lba48 On Xecuter 2.2 Booting To MS Dash, Not Xbmc????

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    Xbox bios guru needed! 5035 Lba48 On Xecuter 2.2 Booting To MS Dash, Not Xbmc????

    I've got an xbox 1.1, with an xecuter 2.2 chip in it. I have a 160gb hdd and i using the extra space under the g: partition. I want just to have one large f: drive. So i'm trying to install the 5035 bios with the lba48 patch(i've specified one large f.

    The bios loaded on fine but everythime i use it it just boots to the ms dash and not to xbox media centre which is on there.

    I've currently got the config file on f: and it's set up like this.

    ; startup xbox debug monitor (needs sdk installed)
    startDebug = 0

    ; enable igr
    igrEnabled = 1

    ; display flubber anim
    doStartupAnimation = 1

    ; do dvd drive check
    doDvdDriveCheck = 0

    ; do not reset when pressing on eject
    noResetOnEject = 1

    ; 255 characters max here, format is <drive>:<path_to_xbe>.xbe, e.g. "f:dashes\avalaunch.xbe"
    dash1Name = f:evoxdash.xbe
    dash2Name = c:xboxdash.xbe
    dash3Name = c:
    dash4Name = c:
    dash5Name = c:

    Any suggestions???

    dash1Name = f:evoxdash.xbe

    change this to point to your xbmc .xbe , for example
    Dash1Name = e:apps\xbmc\default.xbe


      Thanks for the info

      Tried that and it still boots to the microsoft dash, any other ideas?


        Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't the config file for the bios have to be edited BEFORE flashing the chip?


          In fact i'm pretty sure it does, try flashing the chip AGAIN with the bios and the newly edited config file.

          Of course if this is what you've been doing all along then ignore me, it just sounds like you're editing the config file without actually flashing the bios to the chip


            Originally posted by jeimuzu_uk
            In fact i'm pretty sure it does, try flashing the chip AGAIN with the bios and the newly edited config file.

            Of course if this is what you've been doing all along then ignore me, it just sounds like you're editing the config file without actually flashing the bios to the chip
            ah i didn't know you had to flash the bios each time you changed the config file. I though the bios just read the file.

            I'll give it a go cheers


              no you don't need to flash the bios again...

              just make sure the dashboard you are pointing to is correctly named ie - exists & make sure the ini file is placed in the correct location.


                sorted it. i flashed the bios again and it found it straight away. maybe it was a bad flash?


                  Nope, I think people are getting confused between Evox's Config File and The X2 Bios for the chip.

                  In Evox (the Dashboard) you CAN also specify what you want to boot first but the xbox will also run Evox first in the background so Morph's right too.

                  Every xbox bios however has a default boot sequence that allows it to boot evox up rather than the Microsoft Dash. Hence the config file above, difference being Nigel's editing this rather than the Evo x startup.

                  Nigel1210 - Glad its sorted mate

