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PS2 Progressive scan problem.

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    PS2 Progressive scan problem.

    Hiya there chaps. Slight prob ive been having setting up prog scan on some of my PAL ps2 games with a PAL console.

    Before I start, ive got the right cabling, and a HDTV, and prog scan is working, as I tested with SotC and its fine. HOWEVER!!

    SotC has an option for prog scan. so its easy to turn on, ive seen here that some games require you to hold triangle and cross while its loading, and that it only works on some games. Apparently Tekken 5 supports it, im holding down triangle and cross, but nothing happens at all.

    So two things really, why isnt it working? Is there another way, or somethign ive missed? and secondly, is there a list of games that support Prog scan?

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    Are you using a PAL copy of Tekken 5? I'm not sure about that specific game, but I know some of them have had 480p removed from the PAL version for reasons beyond our primitive knowledge.

    There's a reasonable list of progressive scan and widescreen support across all consoles here.


      HDTV Arcade is your friend when it comes to HDTV gaming.

      PAL 480p List

      The main site has a proper list for NTSC versions if you want to check that out.

      Also, when do you hold down X and Triangle for Tekken 5? It has to be done when booting the game.

      Hope this helps


        Ive tryed twice. One time was starting the ps2 up, and holding it immediately, even thoguh it went from the ps2 main startup menu first.

        Secondly, I started the game, it went to the main startup menu and I held it down when it came up saying "Playstation 2"

        My PS2 always seems to go to the main browser menu first, then loads the game in the tray a couple of seconds later you see.


          Mine does,and i think that is from holding down triangle,as that was i was doing for PS.

          Didn't know you needed cross aswell.


            Pretty sure PAL Tekken 5 doesn't support progressive scan. Also, on my US version you do not activate PS by holding Triangle + X. It's simply a selection on the Options screen.


     is another useful site, with some nice search options and caters for PAL releases as well. Visitors add to the open database. There is some spam evident, but most visitors contribute sensibly.

              Some NTSC games where Triangle + X works on startup (I just hold it down before the Playstation logo comes up). Gotta try just holding triangle next time

              -Soul Calibur 3 (Not in PAL)

              NTSC games where prog scan is in options
              -Tekken 5 (Not in PAL - it's just not supported)

              First I thought PAL games sucked, because of lack of 60Hz support. Now it's progressive support! Mind you, PS2 games via component without progressive scan already looks pretty decent (Tekken 5 and Soul Calibur 3 for instance).


                Fair enough- obviously im a mug!

                Thanks all!

