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XBOX 360 Clock

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    XBOX 360 Clock

    Could someone help me regarding the clock on the dashboard of the 360.

    I set the time when i first set up the 360 and noticed the other day that the time and date had reset back to factory settings after turning it off, so i changed it again.

    Yesterday i noticed that it had reset back again, and i dont know why.

    Anyone else had the same problem, and if so, do you know how to fix it.



    Hmm, dunno if it's relevant but with the original Xbox (due to there being no internal battery I think), if you take the power lead out or unplug it from the socket (after 12hrs I think) it will reset the time and date due to no power. My Xbox is always reset every time I switch it on due to this.

    Maybe the same on the 360...? Have a look in the manual (crazy I know)...


      It resets if you unplug it. It's a real pain in the arse, there's no fix other than leaving it plugged in all the time.


        If you're on Live it will automatically set the time when you log in.


          I'd have thought it got the time etc from live if you're connected ???


            It does.

            The only reason I mention it is because even if someone has Live they might not sign in every time they plug their 360 in (as was the case for me before I went wireless - getting the ethernet cable out of the upstairs computer room window and back into the house through the living room window downstairs was such an effort that I couldn't be bothered sometimes).

            Of course if Matt ain't on Live I'm not being much help!


              Bit of a delay in replying, but no, i dont have live at the moment .

              it is definitely because of unplugging it, as i took it over my mates house and it reset again.

              bit off topic - i know, but regarding connecting the 360 to the internet - do i just plug it into the modem and im good to go?

              I have NTL Broadband on my PC.

              The reason i havnt tried it yet is cos i've been staying up my girlfriends and havnt taken the xbox home yet to give it a go.


                Yeah, on my ntl bb modem simply take out ethernet cable connected to it from PC, plug in ethernet cable from Xbox 360, switch off, switch on, and then power up the 360.


                  If its in the same room as your PC and want it connected at the same time, you can use internet connection sharing with a crossover cable.


                    i'll have to give it a go on the weekend.

                    Thanks Guys

