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New PSP coming out?

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    New PSP coming out?

    Was just wondering if there were any announcements/expectations that I may have missed with regard to a new psp being released soon. I really want to get one right now (because of Daxter and Syphon Filter), but with E3 coming next week, I don't know whether its better to hold off and see whether Sony is going to announce something with regard to this at the show. I really don't want to buy one right now, just for a new version to be released soon, but on the other hand I don't think I can wait for next week either, as I have my final year exams coming up and this week is all I have for gaming. Anyone suggest anything?

    Not exactly sure if its 100%,but there are strong rumours of a smaller, lighter psp coming out with a built in camera. Now idea when.


      I dont honestly think Sony will announce a new PSP for a while yet.

      They just announced the White one coming to other regions in May (US and somewhere else?) and i would guess as they are most likely to show off the PS3, they will keep a new design for another show when they havnt got much to show off.


        I doubt they'll announce anything personally, but why not just wait a week and see what happens at E3? It's not like another week is going to kill you.


          True... that ^

          I guess I'll wait around and see what happens. Thanks for the replies chaps.

