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Game Trade Ins

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    Game Trade Ins

    Well I've been having a bit of a clear out, and decided to get rid of a bunch of old Xbox games, but I'm just wondering if Game would take them off my hands, and even if they did, would it be worth it for the kind of money I'd get?

    I'm talking about games like Blood Wake, Rallisport Challenge (the first one), Dead or Alive 3, Kingdom Under Fire, Soul Calibur 2, Genma Onimusha etc.

    I don't think it's worth my time trying to sell them on here or Ebay, but I work quite close to a Game shop, so could easily nip in on my lunch break.

    Is it worth taking them in?

    Can't see you getting much for them, though you've got some good stuff there. Probably between ?8-?14 for the lot, being optimistic??


      Gamestation will give you roughly ?3 trade for older Xbox titles. Game are usually lower.


        Cheers guys. I've brought them all in to work with me, and I'll see if I can get to Gamestation at lunch.


          You should check as Gamestation will beat the trade in value


            I ended up going to Game in the end (because I'm lazy and it was closest), and they were paying between ?1 and ?3 for the games. Not really worth the hassle I suppose, but I did manage to flog a couple of the games to someone at work for ?5 each before I headed off to the shops


              I did that too recently with a pile of old games that I couldn't sell on here and traded them against a new game. I didn't get much for them, but if you've got quite a few to trade, it can mount up. Better than a kick in the teeth, but not by much.

