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Question about PS3 Region-Free Status

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    Question about PS3 Region-Free Status

    Has there ever been official confirmation that the PS3 will be region free?
    If so, did it mean optional region free like the 360, or the whole hog?

    I've preordered a UK machine just in case the machine is region free, but I'd wanna cancel the order and go US if it's not totally region free. Got messed around too much with non-appearences of RPG's in the UK with the PS1 and PS2.

    Yeah, I'd like to know the same. I'm quite happy with the PSP for that exact reason.


      I'm not sure where i heard this and i cant find a source, but i was under the impression that all first party sony ps3 games will be region free and third party developers will have the choice of what to make it - bit like with 360 games. Presumably (hopefully), as sony will be doing all theres as region free it might encourage other developers to do the same.

      This could be complete twoddle though, I can't remember where i heard/read it.


        The console being region free was mentioned by Phil Harrison at GDC 06, though it's still somewhat lacking in detail. IGN mention it here - mind IGN also say "Funnily enough, it's most often easier to run illegal games on a console than it is to run legit games from other countries due to the way most mod chips work" - which we all know is complete twaddle.

        Better news article here: and


          From what I understand Sony won't be enforcing it, but it's ultimately down to the publisher as it's there if they want it. If the 360 is anything to go by that means that EA will be enforcing region coding but most others won't.


            I'm mainly concerned about SquareEnix etc.


              Well Sony are saying that they'll make their games multiregion because they'll use the capacity of Blu-Ray to put all the different languages on one disc which can be released worldwide. If that's the logic for not region coding I can't see Square-Enix following the lead since they take an absolute age to localise their stuff. Would they want to miss out on a few million sales in Japan just for the benefit of the relative handful who'd care enough to import?


                Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
                I'm mainly concerned about SquareEnix etc.
                Exactly the same issue I had, which is why i'm 100% going import.

                I honestly can't see the region free gaming for the ps3 happening. The developers might not mind, but the publishers sure as hell will.


                  Pretty much. Japanese releases aren't going to be purposefully delayed for Western localisation. The domestic market won't support it.

                  Which means we're back at square one, unless publisher's localise whilst a game is in development for the US/Europe. That's also very unlikely.

                  This is all yet another reason to delay picking up a PS3. Overall, I doubt the release schedule will be anywhere near as quick as the 360 across territories, and can you imagine the cost of importing a US PS3 on launch?


                    Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
                    I've preordered a UK machine just in case the machine is region free, but I'd wanna cancel the order and go US if it's not totally region free. Got messed around too much with non-appearences of RPG's in the UK with the PS1 and PS2.
                    That's one of the reason's why i haven't pre-ordered, because no one know's enough about the machine yet (plus it cost's a f**king bomb). I'm going to wait a year (or two). Then, i'll know everything about the system and if Blu-Ray has taken off or not.

                    Plus, hopefully it'll be cheaper and there will be better games out because judging by E3 this system just now ain't worth ?410.


                      I'm worried about that internal power supply. Its going to make a US machine less attractive to me as I really can't be arsed with step-down transformers (and lets assume the power demands will match or exceed the 360's). At least the Xbrick 360's PSU can be swapped.

                      I hope they do an Asian version PS3 with 220volt PSU. That might be the import sweetspot?


                        Steps downs shouldn't be an issue - 300 watt I'd reckon would be more than up to the job, I doubt it'll be anymore power hungry than the 360. It may even be switching anyway.

                        I definitely agree that by waiting the picture will become more clear - I was originally going to import a US unit, that was until the price was announced. If it turns out publishers aren't enforcing regions, once the price drops I'll be going for a PAL unit.


                          I'm more interested to know if it'll be region free for previous PS1/PS2 titles. That would save any need for a new NTSC PS2 should my current one go bang.


                            Thing is, he doesn't say 'optional region free' does he, he says region free, simple as. Which is a little more hopeful.

                            It may sound unbelievable, but maybe the PSP worked out so well being region free that they don't see it as a significant threat? Who knows. Would rather have a UK machine assuming it is region free, but we've heard nothing since GDC.


                              Originally posted by MartyG
                              IGN also say "Funnily enough, it's most often easier to run illegal games on a console than it is to run legit games from other countries due to the way most mod chips work" - which we all know is complete twaddle.
                              not necessarily - look how long it took for the ps2 chips to start supporting original imports. only when the origa chip appeared was this possible, prior to that the neo chips wouldn't do it at all, and they were around for quite a while.

                              saturn's mod chip only does copies, not imports.

                              the only chip i can think of right now that only does imports, not copies, is the dreamcast one. there are also a few psone chips that do this, but again there are more chips for psone that play copies and not imports (requiring an extra chip for imports or a boot disc) from what i've been seeing recently while looking for them for myself.

