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Emu's for xbox 360

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    Emu's for xbox 360

    I know the original xbox has emu's for just about every machine ever, but whats the situation with the xbox 360?

    its got emu for playing xbox games which doesnt work 100% and thats it

    still a black box in terms of homebrew nonsense, maybe that will change now that the haxor dudes seem to be making some progress with it, however I suspect the online functionality may keep this non modded by peeps as Live seems to make up a big part of the 360 experience


      Yeah plus the live arcade will only get bigger, and give people the choice to download games themselves, legally and the like.


        Live really is a big part of the experience, so im afraid for retro stuff, stick to the arcade titles or retro collections.


          Theres also a NES emu called NESCafe that works through Media Center.


            Can you download updates/live arcade games/demos, burn them to cd/dvdr to copy onto the 360?


              You can plug your xbox360 HDD directly in to your PC and copy them that way. If you mean download on one machine and use on another though i'm pretty sure the content is locked to the machine it's downloaded with.


                I think content, is locked to your gamertag rather than your machine.


                  What Im getting at is, if you're able to update and dont want to go online it would be kool to go ahead and hack the mofo. I would really like all the app's emu's avaliable on the xbox on the 360 as well.


                    I not saying you guys are wrong, but i think it'll happen. What percentage of owners take them up is a diffrent story however as you rightly point out the importance of live to the 360, but emu's are released for the kudos they bring no to the first person to get such and such emu up and running.
                    Last edited by SuperDanX; 18-05-2006, 17:10.


                      it's a shame the first thing they've managed to do with the damn thing is hack it to play pirated stuff. not even homebrew!

                      i'm holding on to my xbox anyway, have no intentions of letting it go just yet (just got a 250gb hdd for it) but the processor is beginning to show it's age homebrew-wise - hires movies get jerky - but it's still good as the homebrew on it is mature.

                      at least with the 360's power, emus won't need to be optimised much so if/when they break through, it'll be goodness from the off

