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Building new machine - Windows64 Q

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    Building new machine - Windows64 Q

    Building a new machine in August. I'm gonna need to sort out some kind of second machine in the summer, figured I'd take the opportunity to treat myself, plus my current machine is getting on a bit.
    Just some issues -

    It'll likely be an AM2-based AthlonX2 CPU. With that in mind, I was going to look at XP 64-bit.
    Is there any actual disadvantage, or problems that come with using 64-bit Windows?

    A friend had major problems with 64-bit modem drivers. In the end they had to purchase a new modem/router.


      64 bit is a little pointless (still) since, apps need to be special 64 bit versions (even though you have windows 64 bit installed) to utilize the CPU properly, so, uh.... yeah.

      Got one myself, but i've never run any 64 bit apps on it, cos they are quite sparse. Steam has 64 bit versions of HL2 etc, but apart from that, I can't think of much else. :S

      But, you'll be futureproofed for new OS's which i'd presume would use 64 bit as standard? Who knows. Not me.


        Originally posted by supersmithy
        But, you'll be futureproofed for new OS's which i'd presume would use 64 bit as standard? Who knows. Not me.
        Well as luck would have it Microsoft have just released details of the specs you'll need to run Vista. BBC story here.



          64bit is a waste of time at present. unless you actually need to address that much memory


            Basically if you go for x64 you are quite heavily restricted to the programs you can use, whilst it supposedly can run 32 bit programs, the compatibility is a bit questionable. Games wise you will lose performance as only a few games availible support x64. Far Cry, HL2 and one of the unreal games are amoungst the very few that support it.

            If you are mainly just browing the net its ideal for it, but at the moment the lack of 64bit software can cripple what you want to use it for.
            I personally wouldn't bother, obviously if you have a 64 bit CPU you can run standard windows.
            I'd just build yourself you new 64bit CPU PC and stick with standard XP, then you are still covered if you want to move over to vista which will support both as standard.


              Cool, so the general deal is to stick to normal Windows.

              Figured as much, just wanted some extra opinions, cheers

