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Regarding U.S. 360s and online content

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    Regarding U.S. 360s and online content

    Greetings importers,

    I just found out about NTSC-uk and I'm glad I visited this website. A great collection of FAQs and an even better forum as a source of information. I've been a fan of imports ever since I came back from the U.S. and I beleive I found the right place to clear a few doubts I had on one specific matter that's been bothering me for a while now. Does anyone here has an imported U.S. 360 and uses it online? I'm thinking of importing a 360 from the U.S. and I'm wondering about a few things some here might have an answer to already. Therefore I turn to you with my questions, I'd be thankful for any info provided:

    1-Is it possible to go online in Europe using an American 360 at all?

    2-Which Marketplace would be "home" using an American console?

    This may sound odd but it is an important point for me because some online content, available to other parts of the world, are restricted where I live. So I'm forced to either miss out on the content completely or make a second account using a fake address and info, which may or may not be an offense of MS' terms of use. While the former isn't a choice, the latter is downright off turning. After all I want to get all those reputation points for my one account and not divide them up into several.

    It might be naive thinking here but I'm really hoping I'll be able to keep an accurate European xbox live account while at the same time enjoy all the priviliges Americans have. This leads me to the next question.

    3-Will I still be forced to pay in Euros for MS points online while using an American 360?

    I'm sure you know where I'm going with this. It's quite simple: 1.00 Euro = 1.27 USD at the moment. Considering how weak the USD is and how long it has been that way now, there hasn't been a better time to shop until you drop in the U.S.

    I think that is enough for now. I'll come back and add more if I think of anything else. I'm glad to have found a place like this, with like minded people, and in my home continent. I've been an importer for some time now and I've always had the feeling I couldn't profit from other people's experience. It was always trial and error and that kept me back from taking certain steps. I'm sure you know how I feel or rather felt hopefully. I'm glad to be a part of this community now.


    I know some guys on here have imported machines, hopefully they will be able to help you. I imagine you'd have to use a false address/postcode.
    Others will know more, have hope!


      My US 360 works fine online here in the UK.

      When you set up your Live account you specify which part of the world you're in - it's that which dictates which Marketplace content you get, not where the console is physically connected.

      It's a commonly accepted work around to set up another Live account to be able to download Marketplace content from other regions. Once stuff is downloaded and saved to the hard drive the content can be accessed by anyone using the 360, regardless of which profile is signed in.

      As for what currency you use to pay for MS Points, again this depends on where you set your profile when you first created the Live account. But, just like above, if you pay for something via one account and download it to the hardrive you can then play it on any profile.


        What kind of content is JPN-exclusive, btw?


          Originally posted by Spatial101
          My US 360 works fine online here in the UK.

          When you set up your Live account you specify which part of the world you're in - it's that which dictates which Marketplace content you get, not where the console is physically connected.

          It's a commonly accepted work around to set up another Live account to be able to download Marketplace content from other regions. Once stuff is downloaded and saved to the hard drive the content can be accessed by anyone using the 360, regardless of which profile is signed in.

          As for what currency you use to pay for MS Points, again this depends on where you set your profile when you first created the Live account. But, just like above, if you pay for something via one account and download it to the hardrive you can then play it on any profile.
          That is all very helpful Spatial, thank you. Let me add a few follow up questions to you or anyone else who wants to give them a shot:

          1-I thought Xbox Live players were allowed just one account so I'm not sure how it's possible to have a second account for purchases and downloads. Unless, of course, I'm willing to buy a second Xbox Live account? I hope this isn't the way.

          2-Correct me if I'm wrong but PAL and NTSC don't matter with HDTV anymore since it's all about 720p or 1080i now. Other than region coding (games/DVDs) and original language material, there isn't really a reason to buy an American 360.

          3-If this is the case, would it be better for me to import an U.K. 360 rather than an American one? If PAL/NTSC are a thing of the past due to HDTV, I get gaming in English language, I'm able to download all I want by use of different accounts, and can watch all the PAL DVDs I've bought here; then there is not one reason why I should import a console from America, is there?

          4-Then again, there must be a reason why so many Brits have imported their consoles from the U.S? The 360 doesn't get any rare games from Japan, does it? Do 360 U.K. games take that long to come out onto the market?


            UK games always take an age longer to appear, since they have to be localised for the whole of europe. Heartless bastards. I'd imagine thats why NTSC'ers have got US ones, so they can get games A: cheaper, and B: quicker.


              Originally posted by Alex_ntsc
              That is all very helpful Spatial, thank you.
              No problems, hopefully these will be of some help to you as well

              1-I thought Xbox Live players were allowed just one account so I'm not sure how it's possible to have a second account for purchases and downloads. Unless, of course, I'm willing to buy a second Xbox Live account? I hope this isn't the way.
              Now that Live has system of Gold accounts (which you pay for and allow you to play multiplayer games) and the Silver account (which allows you use the basic Live service such as downloads and is free) then it's possible to have more than one account for the reasons described in my first post.

              2-Correct me if I'm wrong but PAL and NTSC don't matter with HDTV anymore since it's all about 720p or 1080i now. Other than region coding (games/DVDs) and original language material, there isn't really a reason to buy an American 360.
              I'm no expert on HDTV but it has levelled the playing field so that PAL and NTSC don't really become an issue. But you're right, region coding is the main draw for a US system (well, it was one of the ones for me).

              4-Then again, there must be a reason why so many Brits have imported their consoles from the U.S? Do 360 U.K. games take that long to come out onto the market?
              I imported for a number of reasons - but it mainly goes back to me being dissapointed with the way some releases were handled in Europe ie: Ninja Gaiden having decapitations removed, Psychonauts taking forever to come out etc.

              While not perfect yet, MS and the other 360 publishers have done an excellent job of closing the gap between releases. The delay between the US and European release is currently around three months max, so if you're patient (unlike me) it isn't really an issue.

