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Outlook Express question - Help me block spam mails!!

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    Outlook Express question - Help me block spam mails!!

    Hi all!

    Quick question I have Outlook express which I use for all my hotmail needs - I also get email from my own domain owned address (POP3) and recently it's been getting spammed to hell and back with junk - I've had 54 emails - all spam since Sunday!

    Now I know I can just do block sender on them, but is there a quicker way of doing this, like say making them all go to bulk or deleted items or something?

    I've look at the creat rules thing but I don't fully understand it, so if anyone could help me out, that would be great!


    The first thing I'd do is check with your current domain host. A lot of them offer spam and virus scanning for free if you tick the right boxes.


      Ah thanks for the tip Babs will do - Have to ask my brother as it's actually his domain.

      Thing is though he basically gets NO spam at all on his address under the same domain - where I get LOADS!


        You've probably posted your email address on a site somewhere. Spam places get robots to crawl websites and fish out email addresses to use in lists. That's why you see a lot of people write email addys as my_name at blahblah dot com.



          I know I used it to sign up to a couple of sites, but nothing that I would have considered spam fest ones - I mean my bank, and a couple of other online stores and that's about it!

          Tried looking at my webmail prog but nothing there to help, so I need to either set up some rules or explore some other avenue to keep my mailbox clear - I mean I wouldn't mind if they even went straight to bulk mail and I could clear them up bit by bit when I could be bothered - just don't like them in my main Inbox that's all!


            Worth checking who the email is addressed to as well. I have my own domain name that forwards all email to my ISP and it isn't unusual to get email addressed to random names and admin for my domain name. You can setup filters in Outlook Express to filter emails so that only emails addressed to your accounts go to one folder, with other emails going to another (eg Junk Mail).


              Thanks for the info Alonzo!

              Thing is I know about the filters but am not really sure how to set them up correctly - so if you have any tips, or know a site that could help me that would be great!

