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360 Marketplace Point Cards

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    360 Marketplace Point Cards

    Been to a few Game stores looking to get the ?18? pre-paid points card for 360 marketplace and they don't have them. Found the case in Virgin Oxford Street and the dude said they had sold out 2 months ago and didn't look like they were getting any more in.

    Anybody know what the story is on this? They stopping them or just crap supply to retail? I want Uno god damn it!!!

    They have a few for sale round here, I think it's just easier to buy them through the dashboard. Play have some in stock.



      I take it you migrated your Xbox live account across to your 360? I used a prepaid card thing to set up a years sub so can't just go through the dashboard. Also I have no cards at the moment with which to buy them off the net. Need a high street shop that has them for sale

      Cheers tho bud!


        There are in stock at most stores I have been to, I would say it was just crap retail supply.


          Gamestations have loads


            Nice one fellas - not tried Gamestation yet as none in my area but next time I pass one...


              For what it's worth the ?17.49 Microsoft Points card you can buy in stores and online is 2100 points, the equivalent one available through the dashboard is ?16.99 and is 2000 points.


                I have noticed a few places sell the 2100 points for ?16.99, so it is worth buying them from a store than off dashboard.

