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Media Player And Oblivion Probs

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    Media Player And Oblivion Probs

    Hi guys:

    My system has gone up the spout. I cannot play videos or play Oblivion anymore.

    Up until 2 days ago everything worked fine. Now, I can play a video but when i try and play it again, it crashes.

    Oblivion worked fine but now doesnt load the save games.

    I have:
    Downloaded new drivers for the GFX card
    Ran full Virus and Anti Spyware programmes
    Cleaned the registry

    But nothing seems to work. I just dont understand why it lets me play a movie but 4 secs later crashes!!

    Help me!!
    EDIT: I should add that I have not tinkered or installed any major programmes. I installed a ropey DVD Player but got rid of it. The trouble does seem to stem from then but I cant see how....
    Last edited by Street Turk; 28-05-2006, 12:33.

    Have you enabled system restore? Try pulling it back to a time when things were working fine for you, you never know, you may be lucky.


      I did that fater reading my post-SEEMS to have done the trick!

      Cheers M

