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Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution - VF4?

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    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution - VF4?

    I sold a lot of my games last year but now fancy some Virtua fisticuff action.

    Having a look round I wanted a great condition copy of VF4 Evo but the prices for it are stupidly high. So I've managed to find brand new copies of VF4 for about ?3. Is it really worth spending ?20 plus on Evo or should I just start off with the original?

    I'd go for Evo every time. The 2 extra characters are reason enough but the fact the single player is much bigger/better and there's loads of new costume stuff you can play around with makes it an easy choice. VF4 was incrediby jaggy to look at also, something Evo doesn't suffer anywhere nearly as badly from.


    The Gamestation website seem to have some for a decent price-

    Last edited by mr_sockochris; 30-05-2006, 22:16.


      If you don't mind it in Japanese you can get Evo fairly cheaply from Japan. I got mine when I was there for about ?7 but I'm sure you can find it online from Asian retailers.

      EDIT: ?10.71 for the Japanese version
      Last edited by NekoFever; 30-05-2006, 22:43.


        EVO has much better graphics, a much better single player quest mode (vastly improved AI, lots more collectible items and opponents) a challenge mode and more extensive training routines and advice. There are also 2 new characters remixed backgrounds and a range new moves and rebalances for the existing characters.

        It's a big improvement.


          Thanks for the info everyone.

          I'm probally going to pick up Evo and take it from there!

