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KOTOR on 360

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    KOTOR on 360

    I just bought this game today for the 360 (Always wanted it, didn't have Xbox >_>)

    I only found out after buying it that it is glitchy and suffers framerate problems.

    After Ninja Gaiden Black's framerate problems, I was traumatised :|

    I had a play for an hour to see what people were talking about.
    I expierienced some framerate drops, but the glitches did annoy me.

    I was wondering if these glitches are minor and don't make the game become annoying (I went through NG with framerate problems until chapter 6 >_>)

    If they are annoying then I will return the game until it is fixed and buy another game that is cheap and works fine (or on DS, or GC :P)

    So any advice?

    Do you mean the original bugs or new bugs when playing it on the 360? If it's the original bugs, they can be annoying, but the game is so great that you'll forgive it.


      The bugs while playing on 360. If they are really small then I will keep it. But if it takes away from the expierience, and will annoy me then I will trade it for something else >_>

      I don't mind the original bugs, as people said it was enjoyable to play on Xbox 1.


        Does anyone think that I should take it back or I can live with it?

        No one answered me in other forums :$


          Wont they update the emulation software at some point?


            Yes, although there is no guarantee that they will update KOTOR, especially as they haven't listed it on their website as "Games that have tecnical problems"

            Does anyone think I should refund it? I can wait longer to play it, and the money I get can be used to get Forza or something


              As the work out the emulation of other titles, the overall performance should improve. They do come back to xbox exclusive games like KOTOR fable and Halo and improve them all round.


                Well that is what I am hoping for =)

                But should I just continue playing the game (Assuming the problems are minor and aren't noticable) or should I return it and wait for them to sort out the problems?

                I would play it some more but I have a lot of work to do so I am quite busy to play it so I can't find out for myself =)


                  Apparently there's a new BC update in testing at the moment due for release in the next few weeks, so maybe you should hold onto it until then. It's one of the big Xbox games so hopefully it'd be fairly high on the list of games to fix.


                    Hopefully, but should I trade it in and get it when it is fixed? Because there is a chance that it won't get fixed.
                    Like I said, I haven't really expierienced the problems so I do not know if they are annoying.


                      Originally posted by stormbreak
                      Hopefully, but should I trade it in and get it when it is fixed? Because there is a chance that it won't get fixed.
                      Like I said, I haven't really expierienced the problems so I do not know if they are annoying.
                      Do you mean that you have played it already on your 360 and it seems ok so far?

                      If that is the case and you are happy then I would have thought it would probably be ok all the way through. Sorry I haven't played it on the 360 myself, but I did get through a fair amount of Jade Empire wich uses a slightly tarted up version of the same engine and that worked fine.


                        I only played it for an hour. I could see some drops with the framerate and a glitch where you magically move to another spot but they were minor
                        Then again I remember playing Ninja Gaiden Black for an hour and thinking the framerate problems were minor :P
                        I also played Jade Empire on the 360, that didn''t have many problems, although the framerate would sometimes drop in the conversations.

